Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

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Westminster Conference on Science & Faith

Is mankind an error-prone accident of nature or a masterpiece of engineering, ingenuity, and intention? For those of us that believe in the marvelous design of mankind, how might we respond well to those who think we are nothing more than an accident? At this year's Westminster Conference on Science & Faith, you will be equipped by expert scientists and theologians to answer some of the hardest questions posed by skeptics. Read More ›

Jay Richards to Speak at SES National Conference

Center for Science & Culture Senior Fellow and philosopher of science Jay W. Richards has been invited to present three sessions at this year’s annual SES National Conference, taking place in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Richards will be speaking on a variety of cultural issues related to tech, gender ideology, and scientific tyranny. His first talk during the Thursday pre-event Read More ›


God’s Grandeur

We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary. The world — indeed, the universe — is charged with grandeur. Everything speaks of its beauty, power, and purpose — of its exquisite and Read More ›

Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali- Where does order in nature come from

Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali: Where does order in nature come from?

Prof Saleem Ali of the University of Delaware is author of ‘Earthly Order: How natural laws define human life’ and describes the way order in the universe drives order in human and social settings. He engages with Dr Stephen Meyer of Discovery Institute, whose book The Return of The God Hypothesis makes the case that order in nature points to Read More ›

Hands reaching. Digital illustration sketch in the style of old renaissance drawings on paper.

The Imago Dei Conference

Casey Luskin, Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture, and Jay Richards, Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, will both be presenting at an upcoming conference on the relationship between the scientific understanding of human origins and how such an understanding effects culture. Luskin will be presenting a session that will Read More ›


Darwin Comes to Africa

Charles Darwin fathered not just a scientific theory, but a toxic social ideology that fueled racist colonial policies in Africa. In this sobering book, African scholar Olufemi Oluniyi traces the insidious impact of Darwinian ideas on British imperial policies in Northern Nigeria. Drawing on official documents, public statements, and well-attested historical events, Oluniyi documents how concepts such as evolutionary racism Read More ›

Chicago Downtown at Night

Discovery Institute Speakers Featured at Upcoming Black Conservative Summit

The upcoming Black Conservative Summit 2023 will include two important sessions on science and scientism featuring Dr. John G. West, Vice President of Discovery Institute, Dr. Stephen Dilley, Senior Fellow of the Center for Science & Culture, and Sean Mixon, adjunct professor at Dallas College and an alumnus of the Center for Science & Culture Summer Seminar program. Sean Mixon and John West Read More ›

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Origin of Life: Replication (with References)

What is life and how did it originate? Many origin of life researchers claim that life started as a primitive self-replicating molecule, and evolved from there into all the complex forms of life we observe. But does the evidence support this? This video reviews obstacles to forming a self-replicating system, challenging the “RNA World” and “RNA-Peptide World” hypotheses and other Read More ›