Secrets of the Cell, Episode 3: The Power of Evolution
Secrets of the Cell Playlist at YouTubeIn this episode of Secrets of the Cell, biochemist Michael Behe starts by exploring the amazing mechanical gears discovered in planthopper insects that scream “design!,” and then he moves into a discussion of the theory of evolution and what it hopes to explain.
Further Exploration
Use the links below to explore more about the issues raised in this episode.
More about Michael Behe
More about Planthopping Insects
- “Mechanical Gears Discovered on Planthopper Insects Provide an Opportunity to Recognize, or Deny, Design”
- “In Bio-Inspired Engineering, De Facto Design Science Flourishes”
- “Masters of Physics in the Living World”
More about Evolution
- Stephen Meyer and Michael Keas, “The Meanings of Evolution”
- ONLINE COURSE: Michael Behe Investigates Evolution and Intelligent Design
- WEBSITE: Darwin Online
- WEBSITE: Alfred