Secrets of the Cell, Episode 1: Someone Must Have the Answer!
Secrets of the Cell Playlist at YouTubeDiscover the amazing world of micro-machines inside our cells — and learn about biochemist Michael Behe’s personal quest to understand what brought them about.
Further Exploration
Use the links below to explore more about the issues raised in this episode.
More about Michael Behe
- Michael Behe biography
- Michael Behe books and articles
- VIDEO: Michael Behe: Up Close and Personal
- VIDEO: Revolutionary: Michael Behe and the Mystery of Molecular Machines
Resources about Molecular Machines
- Michael Behe, “Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference”
- Casey Luskin, “Molecular Machines in the Cell”
- Videos of Molecular Machines
Resources about Michael Denton
- Michael Denton biography
- Michael Denton books and articles
- Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
- Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis
- Privileged Species documentary and website
- VIDEO: Legacy of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis