A Chat with Blake Lemoine on Google and AI Sentience

Getting Intentional About Your Screens

Powerful Protein Folding Algorithm AlphaFold Foiled by Singletons

Big Tech Is Subtly Controlling Our Lives — and We Need to Fight Back

Take Control of Your Tech Before Metaverse Hits

5 Ways to Keep Your Home a Sanctuary in the Digital Age

Book Excerpt: How Tech and Government Can Spin the Flywheels of Equitable Prosperity Together

Is Contact Tracing a Simple Answer to COVID Lockdowns?
The conventional science fiction fear of a superintelligent AI taking over the planet and ridding it of pesky humans distracts our attention from a much more realistic threat: Artificial intelligence (AI) makes both government and corporate surveillance much easier, cheaper, and more useful—whether it is in average citizens’ interests or not. If we are lucky, this will be the decade when we address the implications of that fact.
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Google Does Not Believe in Life After Google
As the third and final speaker at the Dallas launch of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence, philosopher of technology George Gilder, author of Life after Google, offered some insights into the ultimate vision of the current AI technocrats. See also: “George Gilder: Life after Google will be okay“. “Seriously, the Google people do not believe that Read More ›