China’s Attempt to Warp the 2022 Midterm Election
Ballots are Always Preferable to Bullets
Behind Virginia’s CRT Governor’s Loss
McAuliffe: Virginia Is for Lovers, But Not Parents
Recall Fails: What’s Next for California?
Bad Election Rules and Stupid Media Tricks
GOP secret for holding Washington’s Secretary of State seat for 60 years? Middle Ground
Election Models: Predicting the Past is Easy — and Useless
Election 09: All-Mail Ballots Drain Elections of Their Majesty
On November 3, 1992, I strode into the United Methodist Church in Colfax, Washington to cast my first ballot in a U.S. presidential election. I remember the moment vividly — not only because I was doing my part to help choose the next leader of the free world, but because of the excitement I felt at the people I saw Read More ›