Steve Meyer’s 2019 End of Year Message
Steve Meyer, Director of the Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute, gives an end of year thank you to our supporters, reviews the exciting progress made in 2019, and even makes an announcement about his next book.
Like Steve Meyer, you understand the importance of ideas to the future of our culture. And you understand how investing in ideas like intelligent design can change lives. Will you help us change more lives in 2020?
Read More ›Michael Behe Answers Tough Questions
Since he first shook up the science world with his groundbreaking book Darwin’s Black Box, biologist Michael Behe has been fielding questions about intelligent design and evolution from scientists and non-scientists alike. Questions posed to Behe over the years since have ranged from technical to general, from philosophical to critical. Now, as we make his first online course publicly available, Read More ›
The Future of Science & Technology in America
How will the next wave of fundamental scientific advancement be unleashed? Will America lead this new scientific revolution, or be a sideline spectator? And how might commonly held theories of today be viewed in the near and distance future? Read More ›
Remembering Eleanor Roosevelt Video Now Available
For Darwin Advocates, Wistar Conference Remains a Pain in the Master Narrative
The 1966 Wistar Institute conference remains, fifty years later, a pain in the master narrative of Darwin advocates. According to their favored story, doubts about the evolutionary mechanism are the exclusive domain of, first of all, those seeking to uphold a particular interpretation of Genesis and, second, the scientifically ignorant. Today marks the anniversary of the conference’s opening, April 25 Read More ›
The Tang Problem
Materialism says that everything is an organized complexity of matter, a bottom up perspective on our world. Dembski uses Tang to describe the problem with this view: You can take orange juice and extract orange juice ‘solids’ (orange juice powder), but you can never fully recreate orange juice again; yet that is what materialism attempts to do.
Information All the Way Down
In this clip, William Dembski discusses information realism, the notion that the fundamental “stuff” of the world is information — not matter. An example of this is found in the recent search for the Higgs boson particle. The scatter diagram that “defined” the Higgs boson is essentially information — one pattern to the exclusion of others.
How Richard Dawkins Inspired my Work on Intelligent Design
In this clip, William Dembski discusses how his work on intelligent design is largely inspired by famous atheist Richard Dawkins. Dembski found Dawkins’ The Blind Watchmaker “insightfully wrong,” and actually based his work on trying to answer some of the issues it raises. For more information about William Dembski, or to purchase his new book Being as Communion, visit
Being as Communion in Relation to Previous Work
In this clip, William Dembski describes how his new book Being as Communion fits with the other books he has written. In Being as Communion Dembski creates a metaphysical backdrop or worldview that challenges the traditional materialistic framework, therefore adding context to his previous work.