

Francis Collins, Junk DNA, God, and Evolution

In the century and a half since Charles Darwin first proposed his theory of evolution, Christians, Jews, and other religious believers have grappled with how to make sense of it. Most have understood that Darwin’s theory has profound theological implications, but their responses have varied dramatically. Some religious believers have rejected it outright; others, often called “theistic evolutionists,” have sought Read More ›


Stephen Meyer on Intelligent Design What is the Origin of Digital Information Found in DNA?

Dr. Stephen Meyer explains the basis for information needed for new features in life and life itself. He argues that the information within DNA, like all other types of information, must come from an intelligent source. Stephen Meyer is the author of The New York Times best selling book Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the case Read More ›

Haeckel’s Bogus Embryo Drawings

Showtime Networks will air filmmaker Randy Olson’s fanciful evolution film Flock of Dodos, apparently not realizing that key parts of the film are so wildly inaccurate that they amount to a hoax.

Flock of Dodos makes a number of false assertions about scientists and institutions researching the theory of intelligent design, Read More ›

Darwin Day In America

Darwin Day in America tells the disturbing story of scientific expertise run amuck, exposing how an ideological interpretation of Darwinian biology and reductionist science have been used to degrade American culture over the past century through their impact on criminal justice, welfare, business, education, and bioethics.