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President Trump Is Wasting No Time Reforming K-12 Education

President Donald Trump hit the ground running, reforming K-12 education and restoring parental rights during his second week back in the Oval Office, which coincided with the 15th annual National School Choice Week. Last week, President Trump issued the “Expanding Educational Freedom and Opportunity for Families” executive order. According to a White House fact sheet, the order “recognizes that parents, not the government, play a fundamental role in choosing and directing the upbringing and education of their children.” The executive order states that within 60 days, “the Secretary of Education shall issue guidance regarding how States can use Federal formula funds to support K-12 educational choice initiatives.” It also “directs the Secretary of Education to prioritize school choice programs in Read More ›

President Joe Biden, joined by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, delivers remarks on student loans, Monday, October 17, 2022, in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

During Miguel Cardona’s Tenure as Ed Secretary, Schools Got Worse by Every Metric

President Joe Biden’s appointed secretary of education, Miguel Cardona, is out the door as President Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office. The end of Cardona’s tenure couldn’t come soon enough. K-12 student learning achievement is pitifully low. Chronic absenteeism has skyrocketed. Condoned college campus protests are a disgrace. Federal student aid, including the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (known as FAFSA) form and process, is a mess. Despite four catastrophic years, Cardona released a glowing report last week. It boasts about the U.S. Department of Education’s “accomplishments” under his watch and opens with a full-page letter from the secretary. “This report, The Impact: Fighting for Public Education, is about more than documenting the successes under the Biden-Harris Administration. Read More ›

Joyful girls students kids celebrate successful completion of collective school work in a bright classroom

Policy Focus: School Choice in the States

Huge historical legislative victories have occurred over the past four years, advancing school choice in states nationwide. In some states, the wins have entailed the creation of new school choice programs, while in other states, it has involved expanding existing programs to reach more students. Most noteworthy has been the enactment of universal or near-universal school choice in 12 states since 2021. Introduction The public education monopoly isn’t working, and it is failing to fulfill its function to a greater degree than in years and decades past. There is a better way: education freedom, which allows parents to choose the school or other learning avenue that best fits their unique child. A few years ago, widespread school choice was nearly Read More ›


Historic Education Freedom Is Happening and It Is Worthy of a Celebration!

Last week, Discovery Institute welcomed guests from across the Pacific Northwest to Mercer Island for a special event hosted by the American Center for Transforming Education. The event focused on the historic education freedom that has taken place over the past four years. It was an informative evening marked by a joyous celebration with a packed room of attendees. Read More ›

Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Indoctrination and Innovation in Our Schools with Carrie Abbott

Dr. Keri D. Ingraham appears on The Carrie Abbot Show to discuss the indoctrination occurring in our K-12 public schools, and the ill effects it has on our students and our country. They also explore the solution, which Dr. Ingraham suggests is found in innovations to our education system. Read More ›

Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Indoctrination in K-12 Public Education with Jesse Kelly

On the Jesse Kelly Show, Dr. Keri D. Ingraham explains how bureaucrats and teachers' unions influence how and what children think, why teaching between right and wrong in the classroom is important, and the exciting advancement in school choice legislation across the nation. Read More ›
An American flag against a blue sky on an old rusty flagpole
Photo by dbvirago on Adobe Stock

School Choice Is Better for Democracy Than Government Schooling

As state after state embraces policies that empower parents with more options in K-12 education, opponents of school choice are claiming that it is a “threat to democracy.” But if anything, school choice is better for democracy than government-run schooling. Read More ›
Man climbing a ladder toward a bright 2023 number
Photo by Creativa Images on Adobe Stock

Will 2023 Be Bright or Bleak for K-12 Educational Freedom?

Without question, bureaucracy, leftist politicians, and teachers’ unions will push an increasingly radical agenda on our impressionable children in K-12 schools with unrelenting resolve. And as they do, more families will want to flee. Read More ›
A child runs underneath the rainbow flag in Portland, Maine during the Pride Parade

Schools Are Stealing Parental Rights & Causing Irreversible Harm to Children

Parents can lose custody if they fail to affirm their child’s desire for gender transition and try to prevent puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries aimed at making the child appear as the opposite sex. Read More ›
Burning sheet of paper in the male hand.
Photo by mercava2007 on Adobe Stock

Democrats Are Gaslighting American Parents About School Vouchers

Defunding public schools — even “stealing money” from them — is how the far-left and teachers’ unions term any attempt to offer parents more choice around education. For them, it’s about money and power, not children and high-quality learning. Read More ›
Portrait of caring father doing homework with two little girls at home, copy space
Photo by Seventyfour on Adobe Stock

Why Homeschooling Is Growing

The homeschooling highs aren’t just the rapidly growing number of families opting to have their children learn from home. It also entail students’ and parents’ great satisfaction with their selected education avenue. Read More ›