Our Public School System Is Set Up To Fail — and It’s Succeeding
Timing Is Everything
My Talk With Tucker After His Last Show on Fox News
Closed Schools Join with Closed Minds
It’s Not Just About Guns
Don’t Go to the Head of the Class
Youngkin Rips Off the School Mask Mandate
The Rise in Black Unemployment Is About More Than Race
A Mass Educational Exodus
Reopen Schools State by State
What’s good for one state may not be good for the next. Authority over schools rests with governors. They should decide when schools open in their states. For example, Alaska, having the least amount of coronavirus cases is not comparable to the hot bed of New York, even though both Alaska and New York have shut down schools for the rest of the year. On Tuesday, President Trump publicized an “Opening the Country” council, which will provide counsel regarding social distancing efforts moving forward. Participants include hundreds of leaders from business, technology, health care, agriculture, and sports. Yet no one from education in on the council. This is a mistake. An educational leader from each state should be included Read More ›
With Schools Closed, How Will Washington Address the Connectivity Gap?
Governor Inslee announced at a press conference on April 6 that Washington State in-person schooling is closed for the rest of the year. Commenting on the subsequent need for connectivity, Superintendent Reykdal added that “everyone needs connectivity and access,” and that “students have the right to be connected like their right to clean water.” For those schools that have experimented with online learning, this should provide an opportunity to scale up the experience. But others may be left behind. This is an uneasy time for families. Many will be wondering how their children will be educated for the rest of the year. Surprisingly, when asked about equity, Inslee mentioned that they have made the difficult decision to get most kids Read More ›