After failing in her multiple attempts to block and remove Arizona’s universal school choice opportunities for families, Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs is now looking to layer endless bureaucracy onto the state’s thriving Empowerment Scholarship Account program. Read More ›
A few years ago, the hope of providing all families within a state with funding to select the education avenues that would best serve their individual children was considered nearly unimaginable. Read More ›
Democrat Katie Hobbs took the helm as governor of Arizona earlier this month. Her passionate priority is to repeal the expansion of the Empowerment Scholarship Account program, which grants educational options to the children of all Arizona families. Read More ›
As the sun is about to set on Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's time at the helm of the Grand Canyon state, we should stand in applause nationwide for a job done exceptionally well. No other political leader in our nation's history has achieved what Governor Ducey did to advance educational freedom. Read More ›
No other strategic plan can benefit a state more than implementing universal school choice. With Arizona making the leap first, other states will look on with watchful eyes and take notes. We may be witnessing the first step in a revolution with unlimited positive potential for states that follow suit. Read More ›
As more edupreneurs come on the scene and parents are able to use their state-issued funding to select education for their children from an array of innovative options, quality and transparency will be demanded. Read More ›