- Date
- Apr232020
- April
- 04
- Apr
- 23
- 23
- 2020
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- 19:00:00
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Whale of an Evolution Tale
Online Premiere of Long Story Short: Whale EvolutionDarwinists often point to the whale fossil record as one of the best examples of an evolutionary transition. But is it?
Charles Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species: “I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.”
Bears turning into whales? Scientists today disagree, instead claiming that other land animals were the real precursors to today’s whales.
“Just think of all the parameters that would have to be modified,” says biologist Richard Sternberg, “and then multiply that by, I don’t know — a thousandfold, or more than that. That’s the scale of the problem that you’re dealing with.”
Join us for the live, online premiere of the new video Whale of an Evolution Tale, the latest in the Long Story Short series of videos. Immediately following the video we’ll have a live Q&A about whale evolution with biologists Jonathan Wells and Richard Sternberg.
Long Story Short is a new occasional video series that compresses key points in the debate between Darwinism and intelligent design into a very welcome format: concise, accessible, and funny.
Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 7PM EST
Online via Zoom Webinar
Contact Rob Crowther
This event is free but space is limited and registration is required.
Note: Registration closed at 10am PT / 1pm ET on Thursday, April 23.