- Date
- Apr302020
- April
- 04
- Apr
- 30
- 30
- 2020
- Time
- 16:30:00
- Locale
- Online Event
- Venue
- Zoom Webinar
Homelessness, Compassion, and COVID-19
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in homelessness, addiction, crime, and disorder in America’s major cities. By latest count, there are more than 500,000 people sleeping on the streets in the United States, with the highest concentration in West Coast cities including Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
The problem has reached critical mass and the spread of COVID-19 may only exacerbate it as a number of progressive cities seek to use the current crisis as a backdoor for socialism. Policies such as government sanctioned homeless encampments not only upend the social order, but could prove to be a breeding ground for the virus.
Join us for an online webinar with Christopher Rufo, Discovery Institute’s new Director for the Center on Wealth and Poverty, and learn about the root causes of the homeless crisis as well as what our response to the coronavirus pandemic reveals about the Left-Right divide. Instead of continuing to employ the same self-defeating progressive policies, Chris will outline new, bold strategies to combat the issue.
April 30, 2020, 12 PM – 1 PM
Zoom Webinar
Contact Jackson Meyer at jmeyer@discovery.org or 425-283-2221
This event is free but registration is required in order to provide you with a link to the stream.