Faith & Science

Why Truth Still Matters

Stephen Meyer, Director of the Center for Science and Culture, is scheduled to speak at the upcoming National Conference on Christian Apologetics presented by Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. The theme this year — Why Truth Still Matters — will feature a variety of sessions from scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Dr. Meyer’s sessions are listed below, and a full Read More ›

Aslan is on the Move

The C. S. Lewis Society, on the campus of Trinity College of Florida, provides a guest-speaker forum for the campus community to hear scholars articulate topics of wide public concern. In this upcoming event, Dr. Stephen Meyer, Director of the Center for Science and Culture, will speak on the inescapable evidence of exquisite design in the cosmos. After bestsellers Signature Read More ›

The Biggest Myths about Science and Faith

Scientists love to tell stories about the quest to understand the universe — stories that often have profound implications for belief or disbelief in God. But more often than not, the stories are nothing but myths. Join us as Michael Keas, a historian of science and Senior Fellow of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, explodes some of the most popular and pernicious myths about science and religion. Read More ›

Christian Scientific Society Regional Meeting

Come hear Dr. Stephen Meyer, along with other distinguished speakers, present at the Christian Scientific Society’s (CSS) regional meeting in Southern California on March 10-11! The theme of the meeting is Emergence, Spontaneous Pattern Formation, and the Origin of Life. Dr. Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, will speak on the origin of life and the evidence for Read More ›



Scientists love to tell stories about the quest to understand the universe — stories that often have profound implications for belief or disbelief in God. These accounts make their way into science textbooks and popular culture. But more often than not, the stories are nothing but myths. Unbelievable explodes seven of the most popular and pernicious myths about science and religion. Read More ›

Scientism and Securalism

Scientism and Secularism

Rigid adherence to scientism―as opposed to a healthy respect for science ― is all too prevalent in our world today. Rather than leading to a deeper understanding of our universe, this worldview actually undermines real science and marginalizes morality and religion. In this book, celebrated philosopher J. P. Moreland exposes the self-defeating nature of scientism and equips us to recognize Read More ›

Science and the Mind of the Maker

Science and the Mind of the Maker

Are We an Accident…or Not? The question of cosmic origins and our place in the grand scheme of things has been debated for millennia. Why do we exist? Why does anything exist at all? Today’s popular narrative, based on advancements in science, is that it all happened by natural, random processes. Melissa Cain Travis points to powerful evidence that the Read More ›

Four Views On Creation, Evolution, And Intelligent Design

Four Views On Creation, Evolution, And Intelligent Design

Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design presents the current “state of the conversation” about origins among evangelicals representing four key positions: The contributors offer their best defense of their position addressing questions such as: What is your position on origins – understood broadly to include the physical universe, life, and human beings in particular? What do you take to be Read More ›


Theistic Evolution

Featuring two dozen highly credentialed scientists, philosophers, and theologians from Europe and North America, this volume contests this proposal, documenting evidential, logical, and theological problems with theistic evolution ― making it the most comprehensive critique of theistic evolution yet produced. Read More ›