Return of the God Hypothesis
Three Scientific Discoveries Revealing the Mind Behind the UniverseStephen C. MeyerThe New York Times bestselling author of Darwin’s Doubt presents groundbreaking scientific evidence of the existence of God, based on breakthroughs in physics, cosmology, and biology.
Beginning in the late 19th century, many intellectuals began to insist that scientific knowledge conflicts with traditional theistic belief — that science and belief in God are “at war.” Philosopher of science Stephen Meyer challenges this view by examining three scientific discoveries with decidedly theistic implications. Building on the case for the intelligent design of life that he developed in Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt, Meyer demonstrates how discoveries in cosmology and physics coupled with those in biology help to establish the identity of the designing intelligence behind life and the universe.
Meyer argues that theism — with its affirmation of a transcendent, intelligent and active creator — best explains the evidence we have concerning biological and cosmological origins. Previously Meyer refrained from attempting to answer questions about “who” might have designed life. Now he provides an evidence-based answer to perhaps the ultimate mystery of the universe. In so doing, he reveals a stunning conclusion: the data support not just the existence of an intelligent designer of some kind — but the existence of a personal God.
Meyer’s book is a masterclass, lucidly exploring every alternative from multiple points of view. It persuasively shows that the God Hypothesis is the best explanation of the fine-tuned, information-laden universe. The book does irreparable damage to atheist rhetoric.
John C. Walton, PhD, DSc, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Research Professor of Chemistry, University of St. Andrews
A comprehensive and lucid argument for theism as the best explanation for the scientific evidence. Stephen Meyer has a true gift for conveying complex concepts clearly.
Dr. Robert Kaita, former Principal Research Physicist, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
Reviewing all relevant evidence from cosmology to molecular biology, Meyer builds an irrefutable “case for God” while delivering an unanswerable set of logical and scientific broadsides against the currently fashionable materialistic/atheistic worldview. Meyer builds his argument relentlessly omitting no significant area of debate. The logic throughout is compelling and the book almost impossible to put down. Meyer is a master at clarifying complex issues making the text accessible to the widest possible audience. Readers will be struck by Meyer’s extraordinary depth of knowledge in every relevant area. The book is a masterpiece and will be widely cited in years to come. The best, most lucid, comprehensive defense of the ‘God hypothesis’ in print. No other publication comes close. A unique tour de force.
Dr. Michael Denton, former Senior Research Fellow, Biochemistry, University of Otago, Author, Nature’s Destiny
This book makes it clear that far from being an unscientific claim, intelligent design is valid science.
Brian Josephson, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, Nobel Laureate in Physics
More than 400 pages of straightforward, engrossing prose, close reasoning, intellectual history, and cosmology, all in the interest of asking the most important questions about existence itself. An astonishing achievement.
Peter Robinson, Murdoch Distinguished Policy Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University and former White House speechwriter.
A meticulously researched, lavishly illustrated, and thoroughly argued case against the new atheism. Even if your mind is made up — especially if it is — Meyer’s refreshing take on humanity’s most unbridgeable divide—between secular and divine accounts of origins of the Universe—is a joy to read. You may not come away convinced, but you’ll be richer for the journey.
Dr. Brian Keating, Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of California, San Diego. Author, Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science’s Highest Honor.
A marvelous compendium of indisputable scientific evidence in support of the existence of God.
Dr. Marcos N. Eberlin, Professor of Chemistry, Mackenzie University. Brazilian Academy of Sciences, Thomson Medalist, International Mass Spectrometry Foundation.
With this book, Stephen Meyer earns a place in the pantheon of distinguished, non-reductive natural philosophers of the last 120 years, from the great French savant Pierre Duhem, through A.N. Whitehead, to Michael Polanyi…He has written a profound, judicious book of great value bringing to bear both advanced, detailed scientific expertise (Pascal: “l’esprit géométrique”) and philosophical, integrative wisdom (“l’esprit de finesse”).
Dr. Michael D. Aeschliman, emeritus professor Boston University, author The Restoration of Man: C.S. Lewis and the Continuing Case Against Scientism.
Meyer masterfully summarizes the current evidence from cosmology, physics and biology showing that the more we learn about the universe and nature, the more relevant the ‘God hypothesis’ becomes.
Dr. Anthony Futerman, Joseph Meyerhoff Professor of Biochemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Anyone who wants a state-of-the-art treatise on arguments and counter arguments for intelligent design must get this book. It performs a gigaton task of covering the origin of everything from molecular machinery to the entire universe. A much-needed book.
Dr. Stuart Burgess, Professor of Engineering Design, Bristol University; Research Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge.
When you don’t understand the details of living systems, ignorance permits discounting a Creator. But when the details of science are thrust upon you, you’re forced to ask: How on Earth — literally — did that happen? Thus, the God hypothesis returns. Stephen Meyer convincingly drives the point home: How could it be this way? Only God!
James M. Tour, Ph.D., T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Nano-Engineering, Rice University.
Stephen Meyer is a genuine renaissance person. His work tears down many purported barriers between science, philosophy, and religion. An important book of both breadth and depth.
Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry, Director, Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, University of Georgia
No one else in my experience can explicate such complex material with the grace and clarity that seem so effortless to Stephen Meyer. With cold logic and meticulous rational analysis of the latest discoveries in cosmology, physics, and biology, Meyer confirms a truth that the ideologues find too frightening even to consider. By the ad hominem nature of their attacks on his brilliant work, they confirm its importance and suggest an eventual end to the scientism that warps our culture.
Dean Koontz, New York Times #1 Best-Selling Author
Dr. Meyer does a superb job in accurately describing the physics and cosmology that show the universe had a beginning. He also convincingly shows that quantum mechanics will not eliminate a cosmological singularity.
Dr. Frank Tipler, Professor of Physics, Tulane University; Co-Author, The Anthropic-Cosmological Principle (Oxford University Press).
This is a long overdue book that until now neither scientific experts nor religious believers have had the courage to write. Readers will appreciate Meyer’s consistently patient and humble style of exposition and argumentation. And for those genuinely curious about the God hypothesis, this book provides the fairest, most comprehensive statement available.
Dr. Steve Fuller, Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology, University of Warwick, author of Knowledge: The Philosophical Quest in History.
This is a truly superb analysis of the relevant evidence.Stephen Meyer convincingly demonstrates that the God hypothesis is not just an adequate explanation for the origin of our fine-tuned universe and biosphere: it is the best explanation.
David J. Galloway, MD DSc FRCS FRCP, Honorary Professor of Surgery at College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences University of Glasgow; Former President, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
Leaving no materialist, reductionist or determinist stone unturned and unrefuted, Return of the God Hypothesis exposes atheistic materialism as a modern superstition. Meyer reveals atheism as a feckless faith that resorts to ever more preposterous hypotheses — from an infinitude of multiple parallel universes, infinite expanses of missing matter, imaginary time, and other far-fetched canards — all to conceal the academic emperor’s intellectual nudity, vanity, and obesity, riding on a high horse in a pompous parade of self-defeating nihilism. Intelligent scientists will benefit greatly from this newly coherent philosophy of their sciences.
George Gilder, Author, Telecosm and Knowledge and Power
Exhibiting deep and broad research, familiarity with recent developments, and forged in a life of debate and dialogue with those with whom Meyer differs, it is hard to imagine a more important book on this topic. Stephen Meyer is one of those generational thinkers whose courage, thought and influence are pervasive on the world-stage.
Dr. JP Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Biola University; Author, Scientism and Secularism.
Meyer not only meticulously documents his scientific case for the God hypothesis, but he presents the story of the discoveries that support it in an engaging way. The arguments Meyer makes helped fuel my own personal transition from atheistic materialism to a rational belief in classical theism.
Günter Bechly, Ph.D. in paleontology, Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen; Former Scientific Curator, State Museum of Natural History, Stuttgart, Germany; Senior scientist, Biologic Institute.
Since his Signature in the Cell, Stephen Meyer has been a beacon of humility, humanity, and courageous thinking in that ever-changing interface between science and religion. His new book does not prove the presence of a designing intelligence or supermind, but it certainly renders the “God hypothesis” more plausible, coherent, and respectable. Thoughtful people need no longer assume materialism, mechanism, and meaninglessness. Turns out: anything but.
Dr. Jeffrey J. Kripal, J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Philosophy and Religious Thought, Rice University, author of The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge.
Few public intellectuals can rival Stephen Meyer’s range and depth of scientific knowledge or, critically, his insight into the meaning of science. Return of the God Hypothesis reads like a detective story … beautiful and profound.
Michael Egnor, M.D.; Professor and vice-Chairman for Research; Department of Neurological Surgery; Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University
Weaving together philosophy, history and science in lucid prose, Meyer skewers materialism for its inability to create the information necessary to a universe teeming with life. The claim that the God hypothesis is unscientific is laid bare as a red herring.
Paul Ashby, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Harvard University; Staff Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
An illuminating investigation of the intersection between science, religion, and philosophy. Meyer provides deep historical context for understanding current controversies. He deftly demonstrates the stark consequences for scientific knowledge of materialist attempts to avoid the theological implications of recent scientific discoveries.
Dr. Robert C. Koons, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin; Author, Realism Regained (Oxford University Press).
Following a sweeping overview of recent discoveries in cosmology, physics and biology, Meyer makes a compelling case for a cosmic designer, the God of theism. Meyer is following in the footsteps of Boyle, Kepler, and Newton.
Guillermo Gonzalez, Ph.D. in Astronomy, The University of Washington, Co-author, Observational Astronomy (Cambridge University Press); The Privileged Planet.
Meyer’s book provides an especially valuable analysis of biological and cosmological fine-tuning arguments in a single, coherent narrative.
Dr. David Snoke, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh
Not since Robert Jastrow’s God and the Astronomers, has a book touched me with the power of science to declare the glories of God. Jastrow kept me from the deism and atheism of college physics, and this book will surely have that same effect on the next generation. Whereas Jastrow left off too soon, Meyer skillfully follows the evidence to its logical and scientific conclusion, by examining recent developments not only in physics and cosmology, but also in biology. Warmly written with a historian’s eye, illustrated profusely, a perfect graduation gift for all those embarking on a lifetime of discovery.
Rob Sheldon, Ph.D. in Space Plasma Physics, University of Maryland; former NASA analyst and instrument designer, Author, The Long Ascent
Stephen Meyer’s fine new book is aptly summarized by the opening line of Beethoven’s magnificent musical composition ‘Die Himmel rühmen des Ewigen Ehre’: ‘The heavens praise the glory of the Eternal.’ He mounts a powerful case that the best, the most reasonable, explanation for the full suite of scientific evidence about the origin and fine tuning of the universe and life is — as he puts it — ‘the God hypothesis.’”
Matti Leisola, DSc, Professor Emeritus of Bioprocess Engineering, Aalto University, Finland
Meyer shows how the theistic world view, creation theology and design argument have long been part of the structure of western science and motivated key figures who invented it in its modern form — including Kepler, Boyle and Newton. But Meyer also shows that today’s science makes the ‘God hypothesis’ as compelling today as it ever was.
Stephen D. Snobelen, Ph.D. in History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge; Associate Professor, History of Science, University of King’s College, Halifax
Meyer’s trilogy (Signature in the Cell, Darwin’s Doubt, and now Return of the God Hypothesis) is now the most powerful challenge to scientific materialism in print today. His analysis of the central issue of the origin of genetic information is the best I’ve seen. Readers will enjoy Meyer’s brilliantly lucid and engaging style of writing, including illuminating personal anecdotes in the development of his thought. A very gratifying read indeed!
Dean Kenyon, Ph.D. in biophysics, Stanford University, Professor Emeritus of Biology, San Francisco State University; Co-Author Biochemical Predestination
Dr. Meyer’s book, impeccably researched, clearly and concisely spells out the modern scientific case for the existence of God. It begins two centuries ago, when science ran away from God and ends with a shocking twist. Namely, just when scientists thought they’d left God in the dust, recent startling discoveries are leading them right back to him!
Michael Guillen, PhD in Physics and Astronomy, Cornell University, former ABC Science Correspondent; Author, Five Equations That Changed the World.
Meyer’s challenge to the current consensus is comparable in magnitude to that of Copernicus’ in 1543. Like Copernicus, Meyer compels us to rethink our entire understanding of the cosmos. His book provides overwhelming evidence in support of “the God hypothesis.
Leonard Sax, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania; New York Times bestselling author.
Philosopher of science Stephen C. Meyer builds a clear, cogent, and compelling case for theism based on the most current findings of cosmology, physics, and biology. He bases his stunning conclusion — that the evidence points toward a personal Creator — on persuasive facts and convincing logic. This masterful book should be required reading for anyone grappling with the ultimate mysteries of the cosmos.
Lee Strobel, New York Times best-selling author
Meyer tackles fundamental questions of origin systematically and rigorously, providing an enormous amount of physical and biological evidence pointing to an intelligent designer — indeed, one responsible for two trillion galaxies and life in all its overwhelming complexities. Does this designer deserve the title GOD? Evaluate this book critically and draw your own conclusions!
Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, Senior Scientist emeritus; Institute of Genetics, the University of Bonn and the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research.
This book presents a captivating overview of a range of scientific evidences that cumulatively point to the existence of a Creator, and a compelling refutation of the superficial objections of the New Atheists. A must-read for anyone interested in the Big Questions.
Andrew T. Loke, PhD, King’s College London, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University, Author, God and Ultimate Origins
Clear, compelling, and entertaining to read, Return of the God Hypothesis makes a strong case that the identity of the intelligent designer as a personal God, and that the scientific discoveries of the last 75 years support the God hypothesis as the better, and indeed best, explanation.
Russell W. Carlson, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and the Complex Carbohydrate Center, University of Georgia
Stephen Meyer has written a masterpiece. The evidence for God is extensive, and now much more accessible due to his lucid exposition. Scientists and philosophers who wish that God did not exist will hate this book. Newton would have loved it.
Michael Newton Keas, Ph.D. in the History of Science, University of Oklahoma; author of Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion.
This thinking-person’s tour of the universe visits all the important discoveries without losing the reader in facts. Meyer pulls this off brilliantly by keeping it personal, putting faces to names and displaying each not only in historical context but also within his own search for meaning. Above all, his answer is personal — not blind, pitiless forces, but a Creator who is intimately involved in our lives.
Douglas Axe, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering Caltech; Maxwell Professor of Molecular Biology, Biola University, author of Undeniable: How Biology Conforms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed
This book is the crowning opus in a masterful and transformative trilogy in which Stephen Meyer challenges the pretensions of presumptive naturalism in science. As Meyer shows, the God hypothesis is indispensable to science. Its return, and the re-enchantment of the world with it, is most welcome.
Bruce L. Gordon, Ph.D. in Philosophy of Physics, Northwestern University; Professor, History and Philosophy of Science, Houston Baptist University
This magnum opus is a must-read for students, historians of science, philosophers, theologians and scientists. Meyer’s scientific arguments supporting the God hypothesis are thoroughly and convincingly presented; counterarguments are objectively presented with equal clarity, and forthrightly rebutted with compelling reasoning and evidence. His philosophical arguments are equally compelling and will inevitably have an indelible impact on the worldview of the reader. Stephen Meyer is one of the finest minds in this field and with this work he has done a great service to science and society.
Dr. Frik van Niekerk, Nuclear Engineer, Faculty of Engineering, Northwest University, South Africa
Return of the God Hypothesis balances the author’s personal intellectual journey with objective fact-based analysis in an engaging style. Weaving sound historical inquiry with the latest theories in physics and biology into a rich explanatory tapestry, this book shows how science is rediscovering the foundational worldview principles that launched modern science in the first place — the inescapably resilient God hypothesis. A must-read and a convincing argument.
Michael A. Flannery, author of Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology. Professor emeritus, UAB Libraries, University of Alabama at Birmingham.