
The Explanatory Power and Heuristic Value of Intelligent Design

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The theory of intelligent design has been formulated as the best explanation of several classes of evidence in biology, biochemistry, physics. For example, proponents of the theory have proposed mind (or intelligence or agent causation) as the best explanation for (1) the fine-tuning of the laws and constants of physics and the initial conditions of the universe, (2) for the irreducible complexity of molecular machines and circuits found in living cells, (3) for the hierarchical top-down pattern of appearance of animal form in the fossil record, and (4) for the origin of the functional or specified information present in DNA, RNA, and proteins. These evidentially based arguments for intelligent design have a common logical structure utilizing a standard method of historical scientific reasoning known as the method of multiple competing hypotheses or inference to the best explanation. This talk will show how this method of reasoning has been used to advance intelligent design as a positive explanation for certain classes of physical and biological evidence. It will also show how the postulation of intelligent design can help generate testable predictions and new hypotheses, thus showing intelligent design’s heuristic value as well as its explanatory power.

Keynote-Vortrag von Dr. Stephen C. Meyer am 29. Mai 2019 in Waidhofen / Thaya anlässlich der Eröffnung des Zentrums für BioKomplexität & NaturTeleologie: