Behe and Ramage: Evolution’s Limits and the Fingerprints of Design
Behe and Ramage Debate, Pt. 2: Evolution, ID, and Aquinas
Mysteries of the Mind
Discussing Consciousness and the Mind-Body Problem
Don’t Blame Me; I’m a Meat Robot.
Balancing Lives, Economics, and Public Policy in This Plague
Aquinas and Evolution
To show the substantial incompatibility (contradiction) between Thomas Aquinas’s teachings and theistic evolution we need to refer to the two levels of his intellectual enterprise. One is the level of philosophy (metaphysics); the other is the level of theology. Whereas philosophy is based entirely on the principles of natural reason and being (reality) without the help of revelation, theology is Read More ›
Natural Born Lawyers
Books reviewed The Natural Law:A Study in Legal and Social History and Philosophy by Heinrich Albert Rommen, Liberty Fund, 306 pp., $27. In Defense of Natural Law by Robert P. George, Oxford University Press, 354 pp., $65. Aquinass Theory of Natural Law: An Analytic Reconstruction by Anthony J. Lisska Oxford University Press, 336 pp., $24.95. Natural Law in Judaism by Read More ›