Nuclear Weapons

Air force missile system

Time to Neutralize North Korea’s Missile Threat

Missile defense experts have long advocated a multi-layered approach to missile defense because of the difficulty of destroying an ICBM in flight. Yet, currently the United States relies on only one layer of homeland missile defense, a ground-based system of anti-missile interceptors based in Alaska and California. Read More ›
Atomic Tests

Next Memorial Day, Remember the Atomic Veterans Who Died for Their Country

I dread Memorial Day. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I don’t honor our military heroes who died for their country. To the contrary, I hold them in the highest esteem. It’s just that I hate having to stifle the rage I experience every year as that important commemoration day rolls around. Read More ›
Collision of nuclei of elementary particles, image of nuclear reactions in the model. An explosion with the release of a huge amount of heat and power and light. Generative AI
Collision of nuclei of elementary particles, image of nuclear reactions in the model. An explosion with the release of a huge amount of heat and power and light. Generative AI
Image licensed via Adobe Stock

Who Knows Who Has The Bomb? Not Us

The stunning revelation that a segment of the intelligence community believes that North Korea already has a nuclear weapon compact enough to be placed upon a ballistic missile shows anew the limits of what intelligence agencies can determine as to what goes on in closed societies. What matters from a standpoint of intelligence acuity is less whether Pyongyang can put Read More ›

Sleepwalking with the Bomb

Sleepwalking with the Bomb

About the Book Sleepwalking with the Bomb shows how we can forestall nuclear catastrophe. It offers familiar faces, cases and places to illustrate how the civilized world can face the most pressing nuclear dangers. Drawing from both history and current events, John Wohlstetter assembles in one place an integrated, coherent and concise picture that explains how best to avoid the Read More ›