On the Shoulders of Giants: Celebrating the Internet Pioneers
Journalist Maria Teresa Cometto interviews semiconductor pioneer, Frederico Faggin, about his background and how he came to design the first commercial microprocessor at Intel.
Journalist Maria Teresa Cometto interviews semiconductor pioneer, Frederico Faggin, about his background and how he came to design the first commercial microprocessor at Intel.
Why does Wall Street keep recovering after recessions but the economy seemingly never does? The reason, as I document in my book, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does is that Washington and the Federal Reserve together have created a closed loop economy where the Fed creates money for the government and the S&P Read More ›
Net neutrality is simply a policy that forbids privately owned broadband networks from discriminating in how they provide transmission for producers of any legal content. We’ve had a successful de facto net neutrality policy in place for the better part of 20 years. So what’s all the fuss? Some believe the policy should be expanded, with the Federal Communications Commission Read More ›
It was bound to happen. First, proponents of the culture of death brought us physician-assisted suicide (PAS). Now, we must contend with IAS – Internet-assisted suicide. Yes, you read right. As reported by Julia Scheeres in the June 8 San Francisco Chronicle, suicide promotion and facilitation has entered cyberspace. In “A Virtual Path to Suicide,” Scheeres demonstrates how indifferent to Read More ›
If WorldCom goes bankrupt, will we have enough telephone companies? Do we have the right number of supermarkets, fast food restaurants and hotels? Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else knows, but the private enterprise market system sorts it out and gives us approximately what we need, where we need it. For each type of business, there is an optimum Read More ›
When Bill Clinton assumed office nine years ago, I predicted he would enjoy one of the greatest economic booms in the history of the world. Impelled by the spread of the Internet, the onset of fiber optics, and a tenfold increase in venture capital — unleashed by the lower tax rates and deregulation of the Reagan administration — the Clinton Read More ›
A few weeks back, Al Gore, mocking his own penchant for hyperbole, bantered with David Letterman’s “Late Show” audience: “I gave you the Internet — and I can take it away.” This is no joke. While Republicans waste time with captious critiques of the straight-arrow Gore’s credibility and character, the real threat posed by the Democratic candidate is utterly ignored. Read More ›
Imagine gazing at the web from far in space. To you, peering through your spectroscope, mapping the mazes of electromagnetism in its path, the Web appears as a global efflorescence, a resonant sphere of light. It is the physical phase space of the telecosm, the radiant chrysalis from which will spring a new global economy. The luminous ball reflects Maxwell’s Read More ›
Mr. Gilder, editor of the Gilder Technology Report and Senior Fellow of Discovery Insitute, is author of “Telecosm: How Infinite Bandwidth Will Change Our World.” Mr. Swanson is a technology analyst at the Gilder Technology Report. Dear Mr. Powell: Whether you know it or not, your leadership and decisions over the next four years will have more impact on the Read More ›
NETIZENS — the community of Internet users — bear a strong resemblance to Americans of theWild West. They are fiercely independent, value their privacy and have a strong distrust of lawsmade in Washington, D.C. Nonetheless, even the Wild West was tamed as the rule of law replaced frontier Justice. The Internet already is home to some 40 million users and Read More ›