Pursuing God Through His Works
Are Science and God at War as the New Atheists Claim? Stephen Meyer Responds
In this brief clip from The John Ankerberg Show, Dr. Stephen Meyer discusses the claim of the New Atheists that God and Science have always been in conflict. Meyer points out that quite the opposite is true and explains how modern science was directly inspired by Judeo-Christian ideas. Watch all of Episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/qLRLL5QIdgALearn more about the series here: Read More ›
Stephen Meyer: James Webb Telescope Supports the Big Bang
Behe and Ramage: Evolution’s Limits and the Fingerprints of Design
The Mind/Brain Problem and the Power of Meditative Prayer
How Science Stopped Backing Atheists and Started Pointing Back to God
Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism
Stephen Meyer On Science and Faith at PragerU
1. Are Religion and Science in Conflict? Atheist thinkers insist there can be no peace between a scientific understanding of reality, and religious one. History, however, shows that the rise of science drew deeply on Judeo-Christian presuppositions, without which we would be both spiritually and scientifically far poorer. 2. How Did the Universe Begin? Some scientists, including Albert Einstein, fought Read More ›