
Book cover of No Free Lunch by William A. Dembski

No Free Lunch

No Free Lunch, the sequel to mathematician and philosopher William Dembski's Cambridge University Press book The Design Inference, explores key questions about the origin of specified complexity. Dembski explains that the Darwinian search mechanism of random mutation coupled with natural selection is incapable of generating novel complex, specified information (CSI).

This observation translates into "No Free Lunch" (NFL) theorems, which Dembski explains are inherent constraints upon natural systems. Natural Darwinian mechanisms can shuffle this information around, but only intelligence can generate novel CSI. In other words, when it comes to generating truly novel biological complexity, Darwin can have no free lunch...

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Law, Darwinism, and Public Education

Legal scholar and former Discovery Fellow Francis J. Beckwith recounts the legal history of court battles over the teaching of biological origins. Though many thought that the landmark Supreme Court case Edwards v. Aguillard would permanently settle these questions by ruling creationism unconstitutional, Beckwith observes that intelligent design poses a new challenge to legal scholars. Beckwith, who has published about Read More ›


Darwinism, Design, and Public Education

This balanced volume contains essays by both supporters and critics debating intelligent design and whether design should be allowed in public school science classes. The scholars approach the question from the standpoints of constitutional law, philosophy, rhetoric, education, and science. Read More ›

Darwin’s Nemesis

With the publication of Darwin on Trial in 1991, Cal Berkeley legal scholar Phillip Johnson became the leading figure in the intelligent design movement. Exposing and calling into question the philosophical foundations of Darwinism, Johnson led the charge against this largely unquestioned philosophy of materialistic reductionism and its purported basis in scientific research. This book reviews and celebrates the life and thought Read More ›

Darwinist Ideologues Are on the Run

This article, published by Human Events, mentions Discovery Institute: The Discovery Institute recently produced a list of over 400 scientists of varying faith and non-faith——including those from such prestigious institutions as Princeton, MIT and Cornell——who signed onto a statement stressing they were “skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of Read More ›

Photo by Lucas Sankey
America flag short from underneath

An Interview with Dr. John West on Darwin’s Conservatives

This is an edited transcript of a recent interview with Dr. West about his latest book, Darwin’s Conservatives and the strange relationship between some conservatives and Darwinism. The interview originally was broadcast on ID The Future on November 3, 2006. A number of conservatives, such as George Will, James Q. Wilson, and Larry Arnhart, recently have been defending Darwinian biology, Read More ›

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Conceptual image for biological evolution

Why Do We Invoke Darwin?

Darwin's theory of evolution offers a sweeping explanation of the history of life, from the earliest microscopic organisms billions of years ago to all the plants and animals around us today. Much of the evidence that might have established the theory on an unshakable empirical foundation, however, remains lost in the distant past. The modern form of Darwin's theory has been raised to its present high status because it's said to be the cornerstone of modern experimental biology. But is that correct? Read More ›
monkey on mirror
Sumba,Indonesia-September 2020: Little monkey at the car side mirror looking inside the car

Darwinists Take a Look in the Mirror

Eighty years ago this month, high school teacher John Scopes was convicted in a stifling Dayton, Tenn., courtroom of teaching students about Darwin’s theory of evolution contrary to state law.  Made famous by the play and film Inherit the Wind, the Scopes trial has become an icon in the continuing battle for free speech and scientific inquiry.  Unfortunately, it’s an Read More ›

Amazing moment ,Monarch Butterfly, pupae and cocoons are suspend***
Amazing moment ,Monarch Butterfly, pupae and cocoons are suspend

The Metaphysics of Evolution

I was about fifteen when I began to think about evolution. I was then just discovering the sciences systematically, and took them as what they offered themselves to be, a realm of reason and dispassionate regard for truth. There was a hard-edged clarity to them that I liked. You got real answers. Since evolution depended on such sciences as chemistry, Read More ›


Debating Design

This Cambridge University Press volume, co-edited by leading design theorist William Dembski, and leading Darwinist philosopher of science Michael Ruse, provides perspectives from scholars on many sides of the ID-debate. The book provides a perfect template for those who would be interested in a comprehensive approach to biological origins in schools: it contains essays by proponents of Darwinism, self-organization, and Read More ›