
Stack of Gold Coin on Black Background.

The BRICs Go For Gold

After months of debate about various currency and commodity baskets, a Russia- and China-led consortium has apparently settled on using gold as the basis of a planned new international currency system separate from the US dollar and euro. Read More ›

The Story of Money

Ed Moy, former Director of the U.S. Mint, shares five vignettes (“four births and a death”), which illustrate the evolution of modern concepts of money. Read More ›

Bill Dembski on a DYI Decentralized Currency

Jay Richards interviews mathematician, entrepreneur, and philosopher, Dr. Bill Dembski, about his unique thought experiment regarding how one could create a decentralized, DIY, information-based currency. Richards also explores with Dembski the concepts of natural and artificial intelligence. Trained as a mathematician and philosopher, Dr. Bill Dembski is a writer, editor, and researcher whose books and articles range over mathematics, engineering, Read More ›


Steve Forbes on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology

Jay Richards interviews Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, regarding the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies, and the implications of the technologies for global money, global security, and internet architecture. Read More ›

Currency Trading Is in Chaos — It’s Time to Reconsider the Gold Standard

Trade theorist Paul Krugman, imperious in his Nobel crown; Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund; some 370 economists including 19 Nobel Laureates; and even David Stockman, formerly of the Reagan White House, all agree: President Donald Trump is a menace to world trade and prosperity. As a free-trading supply sider, I once shared these fears. However, I was wrong. Read More ›

The Scandal of Money by George Gilder book cover

The Scandal of Money

As famed economist and New York Times bestselling author George Gilder points out, “despite multi-billion dollar stimulus packages and near-zero interest rates, Wall Street recovers but the economy never does.” In his groundbreaking new book, The Scandal of Money, Gilder unveils a radical new explanation for our economic woes.  Gilder also exposes the corruption of the Federal Reserve, Washington power-brokers, and Wall Street’s “too-big-to-fail” megabanks, Read More ›

Printing US Dollar Notes
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Close the Mint?

Both the European Union and the U.S. government have proved themselves to be incompetent to mint coins. The Economist Magazine just reported that “1- and 2-euro coins, when clutched in sweaty hands, release 300 times more nickel than is allowed by EU guidelines.” According to The Washington Times: “Three years after its splashy introduction by the U.S. Mint, the Sacawagea Read More ›