
Regulation Inflates Broadband Prices

Before theFederal Communications CommissionWashington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter ofImplementation of Section 224 of the Act;Amendment of the Commission’s Rules andPolicies Governing Pole Attachments ))))))) WC Docket No. 07-245RM-11293RM-11303 COMMENTS OF HANCE HANEYDIRECTOR & SENIOR FELLOW – TECHNOLOGY & DEMOCRACY PROJECTDISCOVERY INSTITUTEThe Commission is obviously on solid ground with its tentative conclusion that the “critical need to create even-handed treatment Read More ›

Broadbandits’ Revenge

The politics of telecommunications policy have changed, and not just because Democrats now control Congress. Over the last few years, the Republican-led Federal Communications Commission has deregulated the consumer broadband offerings of traditional telecom companies AT&T, Verizon, Qwest and others. These companies have responded by investing billions of dollars in next-generation fiber networks and new video services, such as IPTV. Read More ›

FCC Inquiry Shows Broadband Regulation Unnecessary

[PDF] Before theFederal Communications CommissionWashington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of:Broadband Industry Practices ))))) WC Docket No. 07-52 REPLY COMMENTS OF HANCE HANEYDIRECTOR & SENIOR FELLOW – TECHNOLOGY & DEMOCRACY PROJECTDISCOVERY INSTITUTE The comments in this proceeding[1] fail to paint a compelling justification for the Commission to subject broadband service providers to the uncertainties and burdens of a new regulatory Read More ›

Indiana Adopts Nation’s Best Broadband Policy

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Bret SwansonSenior Fellow(317) 663-0509 INDIANAPOLIS —”This week Indiana adopted the best communications law anywhere in the nation and took a bold leap into the 21st century,” said Discovery Institute senior fellow and Indiana resident Bret Swanson. “Amazingly, it’s already working. The bill was passed just Tuesday night, but already—just three days later—I have seen telecom crews Read More ›

My View: Our Biggest Obstacle To Real Broadband

Ten years ago, Washington gave us the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The law’s complex and intrusive implementation by the Federal Communications Commission and the 51 state utility commissions resulted in the $3 trillion technology crash of 2000-02 and has now plunged the U.S. to 16th in the world in residential broadband rankings. Yet for Hoosiers, hope abounds. Indiana is possibly Read More ›

Broadband: A Life-Saving Technology

original article In a small military hospital in Guam, a cardiac patient lay unconscious as a catheter was slid carefully into the right chamber of his heart. The surgery was fairly routine, save for one notable absence: The physician in charge wasn’t in the operating room during the procedure. In fact, he wasn’t even on the island. Dr. Benjamin Berg Read More ›

finger touching fiber optic on technology background

Stop the Broadbandits

Rare it is in politics and life to get a second chance at a huge opportunity. But by reversing a catastrophic decision of the Federal Communications Commission that has paralyzed America’s telecom industry, a U.S. court has given the Bush administration a new chance to escape the blame for killing broadband in the U.S. Granting the FCC only 60 days Read More ›

Court Rejects Review of Cable Broadband Ruling

original article WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court has refused to reconsider its decision that regulators mistakenly insulated cable companies that offer high-speed Internet from extensive regulations, like providing consumers a choice of Internet service providers. A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled in October that the Federal Communications Commission should have Read More ›

Administration Should Give Broadband Economy A Call

While the national press obsessed over the “jobless recovery,” the U.S. economy quietly received a major shot in the arm last week. This happened when a U.S. Court of Appeals ordered the Federal Communications Commission to scrap regulations that are holding back the spread of the broadband economy. Will the Bush administration finally embrace this victory for telecom deregulation and Read More ›

Broadband Fiasco

Long before Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl stunt, the Federal Communications Commission was debating the issue of unbundling — telephone networks, that is. We only wish the FCC took this as seriously as it does Ms. Jackson’s nudity. President Bush has pursued sensible macroeconomic policies, especially on taxes, that are now paying off in a robust recovery. But his Administration’s microeconomic Read More ›