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The Miracle of Man: Fine Tuning for Blood and Breath

ID the Future
Eric H. Anderson
Michael Denton
Audio File (11.6 mb)

In Part 3 of The Miracle of Man interview with author Michael Denton, the Australian biologist and MD explores with host Eric Anderson some of the bioengineering marvels of the human lung and, more fundamentally, some of the many things about chemistry, the sun, and planet Earth that had to be just so to allow our respiratory and circulatory systems to work—not merely as well as they do but at all. It’s fine tuning for creatures very much like ourselves, what Denton terms The Miracle of Man. “Denton provides the a scientific underpinning for a theistic real humanism far beyond the nihilistic implications of so-called secular humanism,” writes German paleontologist Günter Bechly. “The book deserves to become a game changer that will spark a new enlightenment and re-enchantment of the cosmos in the twenty-first century.” The new book is available at Amazon and other online retailers.