The U.S. economy is headed in the wrong direction. Gross government overreach is regulating private companies out of business. Inflation is hitting Americans from all angles. It is no surprise that economic confidence is dismal at best. Read More ›
The most destructive thing that can be done is to teach children to disparage America by separating American citizens into categories of either oppressor or oppressed, and worse, telling children they are either one or the other. Parents across America must unite to end critical pedagogy in K-12 education, which is not only poisoning the minds of American youth, but also leading to the educational system failures we’re seeing in Rhode Island and other states who have adopted, in whole or in part, critical ideology in their schools. Read More ›
In K-12 public school classrooms, American history is nefariously repackaged today to support radical political agendas. Civics and government are pushed aside. Patriotism is viewed with hostility and even claims of racism. Read More ›
Ironically, those pushing for the “teaching” of CRT in K-12 education, which is hardly a viable educational subject, are among those whom critical race theorists argue are largely responsible for the lack of educational equity and attainment in urban public school systems today. Read More ›
CRT is a movement of admitted far-left scholars who wish to challenge power structures represented in the American legal culture and society with respect to “the rule of law” and “equal protection.” Their belief is that whereas our laws are ostensibly “neutral” and “objective,” they are neither — and never could have been objective in the first place because of the racial dynamic that has been exercised legally and ideologically over the course of American history. Read More ›
My greatest worry is a California public school system that promotes a divisive ideology discouraging black and brown children from aiming high, and further fails to educate them to give them a fighting chance to be successful regardless of the obstacles they may face in life. Read More ›
I think parents finally understand why so many of their children who go off to college full of hope leave those institutions with a disdain for America and our capitalist system. Read More ›
A form of reverse racism is not only dominating the national conversation but is now a bedrock of teacher training and student academics. Critical Race Theory and woke education are sweeping schools labeling white teachers and students racist and requiring them to denounce their white supremacy — even basic mathematics is under attack for its so-called racism. Read More ›
The indoctrination of our future electorate, instead of presenting historical facts and fostering higher-order thinking skills in students (analysis, synthesis, etc.), is producing generations who will blindly support ideologies they have yet to evaluate for themselves based on fact. Read More ›