K-12 public schools


Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Indoctrination and Innovation in Our Schools with Carrie Abbott

Dr. Keri D. Ingraham appears on The Carrie Abbot Show to discuss the indoctrination occurring in our K-12 public schools, and the ill effects it has on our students and our country. They also explore the solution, which Dr. Ingraham suggests is found in innovations to our education system. Read More ›
going to school
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An Alarming Crisis

You may find this shocking: over 77% of children emerge from K-12 public education without achieving basic proficiency in core academic subjects. And we're not talking about advanced level classes. Millions of children will spend six to eight hours a day in the classroom and still fail to achieve fundamental reading and math skills. Read More ›
It is an open doors day in a school. We see a big queue of adults and children near to a school. Children and their parents – all together welcome to school!
Photo by Kirsten Davis/peopleimages.com on Adobe Stock

Parental Pursuit of School Choice Is Skyrocketing

It is National School Choice Week, and parental demand for educational options for their children is surging. A January parent survey revealed that 72% of parents “considered new schools for their children last year–a 35% increase over 2022.” Sixty-three percent searched for a new school, and 44% chose one. Read More ›
student's hand taking English test in class
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K-12 Redesign: Retooling Testing

Our K-12 schools are organized more like a swim meet focused on recording student placement results rather than a swim lesson devoted to student learning. What value are student assessment results if all students move on to the next lesson, concept, or skill regardless of whether mastery was achieved or not? Read More ›
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The Radical Reshaping of K-12 Public Education (Part 3): Critical Race Theory & Woke Academics

A form of reverse racism is not only dominating the national conversation but is now a bedrock of teacher training and student academics. Critical Race Theory and woke education are sweeping schools labeling white teachers and students racist and requiring them to denounce their white supremacy — even basic mathematics is under attack for its so-called racism. Read More ›
American flag with burning constition
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The Radical Reshaping of K-12 Public Education (Part 2): Civics & History

The indoctrination of our future electorate, instead of presenting historical facts and fostering higher-order thinking skills in students (analysis, synthesis, etc.), is producing generations who will blindly support ideologies they have yet to evaluate for themselves based on fact. Read More ›
3D Illustration Roboter als Arbeitskraft in der Logistik
3D Illustration Roboter als Arbeitskraft in der Logistik

K-12 Schools Are Not Preparing Students for the Workforce

The U.S. is on a perilous path, with global leadership in jeopardy by continuing to inadequately prepare students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the increasingly competitive future workforce. Without a change of course, the current K-12 education crisis will result in a diminished quality of life for American society as a whole. Read More ›
Washington State Capitol Olympics Seattle Washington
Washington State Capitol Olympics Seattle Washington USA
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Washington’s Students Are Losing in This Power Struggle

The disagreement regarding reopening K-12 schools may be moving toward an outright power battle as Governor Inslee issues an emergency proclamation ordering all schools to offer students the option of on-site learning. At stake is control of state schools — and over the past several months teacher unions have called the shots in our government-funded and run K-12 public education system. Read More ›