The Bottom Line An Alarming Crisis
Will you help set children free?America is in the grips of an education crisis. Without you and your support, the future of our nation is bleak.
You may find this shocking: over 77% of children emerge from K-12 public education without achieving basic proficiency in core academic subjects. And we’re not talking about advanced level classes. Millions of children will spend six to eight hours a day in the classroom and still fail to achieve fundamental reading and math skills.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of children are trapped in their assigned public schools. Their address dictates their school — regardless of whether it is safe or effective.
But it doesn’t have to be this way!
In 2022, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey led the nation by signing universal school choice into law, something we’ve been advocating for years. Shortly before, he declared with clarity and candor:
Fifty-plus years ago politicians stood in the schoolhouse door and wouldn’t let minorities in, today union-backed politicians stand in the schoolhouse door and won’t let minorities out. Many of our poor kids and children of color are trapped in a failing school. It’s time to set these families free.
School choice achieves what our obsolete educational system can’t. It allows parents to take their children’s educational funding to a school of their choice or homeschool.
Governor Ducey set all families free in Arizona!
Because of the work you supported, eleven other states followed suit — passing sweeping school choice laws to create an exciting new reality of free market K-12 education! Your generosity has allowed schoolchildren with little hope to find their futures unchained.
And we couldn’t do it without your deep commitment to the well-being of children and the future of our country.
But we need your help to continue fighting for expanding educational freedom. Your generous donation will help children reach their full potential as we advocate for parental empowerment across the country to unleash educational freedom. Your gift will go to work immediately, fighting for the rights of children to a quality education and loosening the stranglehold of teachers unions.
The teachers unions don’t want this to happen. They want children restricted to district public schools because it funds their political power.
Parents in every state must have the opportunity to choose the school that best serves their child — whether homeschool, private school, public charter school, microschool, virtual school, or a district public school not limited by their zip code. Don’t all of our children deserve this?
Will you become an education freedom champion with us?
Will you be a change agent in the life of a child?
Don’t delay — please join us today with a recurring contribution or one-time donation.
Or you can make a smart gift! By clicking the button below, you can give a tax-savvy gift of stock, make a grant from a donor-advised fund, or (if you are 70.5 or older), give from your IRA.