free market

Exam. Students holding pencil writing selected choice on answer sheets and Mathematics question sheets. students testing doing examination. school exam

New National Test Scores Make Undeniable Case for School Choice

It is National School Choice Week in America, and the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exam scores were released on Wednesday. The horrifically low student academic performance scores make the undeniable case that American government-run K-12 education is an epic failure. According to the NAEP results provided by The Nation’s Report Card, 69% of fourth-grade students and 70% of eighth-grade students aren’t proficient at reading — that’s only 3 out of 10 schoolchildren learning to read soundly. When students can’t read at grade level, it significantly hinders their other academic learning. The NAEP math scores similarly confirm that a change of course in K-12 education is desperately needed. An astonishing 61% of fourth-grade students and 72% of eighth-grade students aren’t proficient in math. As a nation, Read More ›

Joyful girls students kids celebrate successful completion of collective school work in a bright classroom

Policy Focus: School Choice in the States

Huge historical legislative victories have occurred over the past four years, advancing school choice in states nationwide. In some states, the wins have entailed the creation of new school choice programs, while in other states, it has involved expanding existing programs to reach more students. Most noteworthy has been the enactment of universal or near-universal school choice in 12 states since 2021. Introduction The public education monopoly isn’t working, and it is failing to fulfill its function to a greater degree than in years and decades past. There is a better way: education freedom, which allows parents to choose the school or other learning avenue that best fits their unique child. A few years ago, widespread school choice was nearly Read More ›

Photo by Timothy Krause, licensed via Wikimedia Commons

Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Reduce the Work Week to 32 Hours Will Lead to Nowhere

Self-described democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced the “Thirty-Two Hour Work Week Act” recently that would mandate the standard workweek be reduced from 40 to 32 hours. Under the law, employees would not receive a reduction in pay despite the 20% drop in labor. Read More ›
Find your way. Location marking with a pin on a map with routes. Adventure, discovery, navigation, communication, logistics, geography, transport and travel theme concept background.
Photo by Tryfonov on Adobe Stock

Stop Allowing Zip Codes to Dictate Where Kids Go to School

In most of our country, geography dictates which K-12 public school a child will attend. Disregarding school performance and parental input, students are assigned a school based on the geographical boundaries of the school district in which they live. Read More ›
colorful waving flag of colorado state on a american dollar money background. finance concept
Photo by luzitanija on Adobe Stock

A State’s Most Strategic Plan — Universal School Choice

No other strategic plan can benefit a state more than implementing universal school choice. With Arizona making the leap first, other states will look on with watchful eyes and take notes. We may be witnessing the first step in a revolution with unlimited positive potential for states that follow suit. Read More ›
Businessmen and businesswoman using tablet in office
Photo by NDABCREATIVITY on Adobe Stock

Educational Freedom (Part 3): Education Entrepreneurs

America, a world leader in free enterprise, maintains an educational system that more closely resembles that of communist countries. The irony is significant. American businesses were built by entrepreneurs of vision, creativity, innovation, and persistence. Read More ›
Bored High School Pupil Slumped On Desk In Classroom
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It’s Past Time for a K-12 Redesign

K-12 public education, already in crisis pre-COVID-19, is on a steep downward trajectory — with the severe lack of instruction time, staggering learning loss, alarming dropout numbers, and serious student disengagement. With half of the schools closed nationwide a full year without providing in-person instruction, and only returning with reduced instruction hours despite heaps of additional funding, it’s overdue time for a K-12 redesign. Read More ›
National flags on the masts. The flags of the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italia,Israel, Turkey and other
Photo by Valery on Adobe Stock

K-12 Redesign: A Financial Overhaul

The United States is a world leader in K-12 education spending yet lags behind 25 other developed nations in K-12 student achievement. An education redesign, starting with a financial overhaul, is necessary if the U.S. will have a shot at remaining competitive with China, and others, in the global economy in the future. Ultimately, we need free market principles of choice and competition as drivers to improve U.S. K-12 education. Read More ›
Funny girl fond of chemistry filming video while making experiment
Photo by zinkevych on Adobe Stock

When Remote Learning Works

It’s no secret that remote learning is not working for the majority as schools remain closed. However, are there conditions where remote learning works exceedingly well? One Canadian school has a track record of providing outstanding remote learning and can serve as a model worth replication. Read More ›
Chasm in Little Petra, Jordan
Photo by demerzel21 on Adobe Stock

The Chasm Spanning Public and Private School COVID-19 Responses

Public schools demand campuses stay closed while the majority of private schools do whatever it takes to open. What would happen if K-12 education became a free market with competition as the driver? Would this elicit a different response from public schools? Read More ›