education savings accounts

Happy diverse multiethnic kids junior school students group giving high five together in classroom. Excited children celebrating achievements, teamwork, diversity and friendship with highfive concept.

2025 Is the Year for GOP-Led States to Act On School Choice

Most state 2025 legislative sessions kicked off last week or this week. The remaining states will have their sessions underway by early February. Louisiana is the only exception, and it is not scheduled to convene its legislature until April. During the legislative sessions, K-12 education will continue to be a common top policy area throughout the country. Efforts to enact and expand school choice legislation will be front and center in several states, as has been the case since 2021. The prolonged public district school closures gave parents a front-row seat in their children’s classrooms through the remote Zoom sessions. What they saw concerned them greatly — a lack of quality academic learning and far-left political indoctrination. Public support for Read More ›

Joyful girls students kids celebrate successful completion of collective school work in a bright classroom

Policy Focus: School Choice in the States

Huge historical legislative victories have occurred over the past four years, advancing school choice in states nationwide. In some states, the wins have entailed the creation of new school choice programs, while in other states, it has involved expanding existing programs to reach more students. Most noteworthy has been the enactment of universal or near-universal school choice in 12 states since 2021. Introduction The public education monopoly isn’t working, and it is failing to fulfill its function to a greater degree than in years and decades past. There is a better way: education freedom, which allows parents to choose the school or other learning avenue that best fits their unique child. A few years ago, widespread school choice was nearly Read More ›


ICYMI: A Very Special Day!

In case you missed it, October 29 was the American Center for Transforming Education’s Annual Special Day of Giving. But it is not too late for you to contribute to this critical work of advancing education freedom, education entrepreneurship and innovation, protecting parental rights, and reforming public education. Donate Today Education freedom is now a reality for millions of students. Yes, millions!  Consider this: As of 2020, less than 500,000 of the more than 52 million K-12 public school students in the U.S. had access to a school choice program, and zero states had K-12 universal or near-universal education freedom. That was less than 1% of students eligible to exit the public education system unless their parents had thousands of dollars a year for tuition money Read More ›

education and school concept little student girl studying at school

School Choice Creates Enormous Savings for a State

Democrat lawmakers employ fear tactics claiming school choice will bankrupt their states. It's a massive lie, and they know it. As a recent Wall Street Journal report notes, school choice programs provide enormous savings for a state's budget — savings to the tunes of millions of dollars each year. Read More ›
Image from Chsdrummajor07 at Wikimedia Commons:

Democrats Are Pro-Choice — But Not When It Comes to Schools

Clearly, the Democratic Party is all about the right to choose — to be clear, to choose an abortion that ends the life of an unborn child. However, when it comes to the right for parents to choose K-12 education for a child, that is not a freedom the party's leaders care about — even those who attended a private school themselves or sent their children to a private school. Read More ›
colorful waving national flag of arizona state on a american dollar money background. finance concept
Photo by luzitanija on Adobe Stock

Arizona Gov. Hobbs Seeks to Bury Education Freedom in Bureaucracy

After failing in her multiple attempts to block and remove Arizona’s universal school choice opportunities for families, Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs is now looking to layer endless bureaucracy onto the state’s thriving Empowerment Scholarship Account program. Read More ›
texas capitol with flags
Photo by Ricardo Garza on Adobe Stock

Texas Lawmakers Finally Get Serious About School Choice for Families

Texas State Rep. Cody Harris, a Republican from rural Palestine, Texas, was one of several Republicans who initially opposed school choice. Yet, once he began serving on the House Public Education Committee earlier this year, his position changed. Read More ›
Greg Abbott from Gov.Texas.Gov website

Abbott Says He’s Keeping Texas Lawmakers in Session Until They Expand School Choice

Historically, Texas has painfully lagged in school choice programs, resembling more of a blue state than its Republican trifecta. But Governor Abbott is committed to changing that. Read More ›
Parents checking children homework
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College-Simulated Learning for K-12

Recent polling suggests that nearly half of parents would prefer a hybrid approach for their child’s education, combining on-campus and at-home learning days each week. A promising model of hybrid education exists by the name of college-simulated learning. Read More ›
Young parents with their daughter holding American flag in countryside at sunset. Independence Day celebration
Photo by Studio Romantic on Adobe Stock

Families Want Educational Freedom

Families with children in public schools are restricted to a specifically assigned school based on home address — even if another public school is a better fit. Removing that artificial barrier in order that there are “no more lines” in public education should be a priority. Read More ›