education reform

Kid girl 5 y.o. playing hopscotch on playground outdoors

10 Big Wins Last Week for K-12 Education Reform

Last week was packed with significant victories for K-12 education reform and the protection of parental rights. Here are 10 big wins: #1: Tennessee Will Enact Universal School Choice The Tennessee House and Senate passed the Education Freedom Act of 2025. With Gov. Bill Lee’s signature, Tennessee will become the 13th state in the nation to enact universal (or near-universal) school choice. #2: Federal K-12 Scholarship Bill Introduced Senators Bill Cassidy and Tim Scott introduced The Educational Choice for Children Act, a federal bill that “would provide $10 billion in annual tax credits for individuals and businesses to fund K-12 scholarships.” If passed, approximately 2 million children in the United States will have access to scholarship funds for private school Read More ›

Fallen Square Academic Caps

How College Wrecked Productivity and How to Fix It

New survey results reveal that Americans' satisfaction with their customer experiences today has fallen to the lowest level in at least a decade. This decline can be traced to two things: a stagnating level of worker productivity, and an education system failing to impart practical skills to the workforce. Read More ›

Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Flaws in the American Education System on Futures Edge

On Futures Edge, hosted by Jim Iuorio and Bob Iaccino, Dr. Keri D. Ingraham discusses the flaws in the American education system that are holding our students and our country back from a successful and thriving future. Read More ›
From The Daily Signal's Problematic Women Podcast.

Keri D. Ingraham Discusses Public Education’s Monopoly on the American Mind on the Problematic Women Podcast

Kristen Eichamer and Crystal Bonham interview Dr. Keri D. Ingraham on the Problematic Women Podcast. Together, they discuss how K-12 public education has a monopoly on the American mind, the economic consequences of COVID school shutdowns, protecting the original intent of Title IX, and the amendment currently before Congress that would require that women register for the draft. Read More ›
Bored and discouraged student
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Uniform Schools Yield Uniformly Poor Results

Parents who have two or more children know how totally different children can be. Even with the same two parents, living in the same house, eating the same food, and having very similar learning experiences, children will still turn out to be different in personality, interests, and even appearance. So why would we stick with an education system that treats all children alike? Read More ›
African american father doing homework with his daughter. Black dad helping kid to learn and study for school. Family portrait.
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K-12 Hybrid Schooling Is in High Demand

Polling data reveals that 49% of parents would prefer their child learn from home at least one day a week. While 10% want full-time homeschooling, the remaining 39% of parents desire their child to learn at home one to four days a week, with the remaining days attending school on-campus. Read More ›
Schoolboy solving a problem on a blackboard.
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Could Singapore Math Be a Fix for U.S. Mathematics Education?

Over the past couple of decades, Singapore has consistently outranked international competition in mathematics. Meanwhile, the United States is sadly below average in mathematics, which is a critical area of education that drives success in STEM careers. Read More ›
Arizona flag and Iowa flag States of America waving with texture sky Cloud and sunset double flag
Photo by Flag Store on Adobe Stock

The Two States Now Have Universal School Choice — And Yours Could Be Next

Iowa became the second state in the country to pass universal school choice, directly providing families with funds to support their children’s education. Arizona was the trendsetter for this new wave of educational freedom after Governor Doug Ducey signed universal school choice into law on July 7, 2022. Read More ›