- Date
- Jul17302020
- July
- 07
- Jul
- 17
- 17
- 2020
- Time
- 12:00:00
The Biochemical Basis of COVID-19
UK Centre for Intelligent Design Webinars on the Coronavirus PandemicFirst in a series of webinars seeking to explain and explore the details and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic
We are pleased to announce that the UK Centre for Intelligent Design will present a series of live-streamed webinars entitled ‘Design in Virology?’ This series will explore some of the biological and biochemical dimensions of COVID-19 and discuss their implications.
Webinar presenters include Michael Behe (Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute, Professor at Lehigh University, and author of Darwin’s Black Box, The Edge of Evolution, and Darwin Devolves), Jonathan McLatchie (Assistant Professor at Sattler College), and Hugo van Woerden (Director of Public Health at Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland). Each presenter will offer some time for audience Q&A.
Complete Webinar Series:
- The Biochemical Basis of COVID-19 | Dr. Michael Behe
- The Molecular Biology of Coronaviruses | Dr. Jonathan McLatchie
- Beauty, Coherence, Semiotics and Coronavirus | Dr. Hugo van Woerden
When & Where
Friday, July 17th at 12 PM PDT
Join the livestream on YouTube
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UK Centre for Intelligent Design