The New Nanocosm
A panel representing companies on the leading edge of technology applications discusses emerging technologies holding great promise for human prosperity — from the conversion of waste to clean energy; to the production of graphene for a multitude of uses including building materials, lubricants, composites and coatings, sensors, and energy harvesting and storage; to revolutionary nanorobotic machines that can target and Read More ›
Is the Future Really on the Chain?
Sam Yilmaz, COO of Bloccelerate, moderates a panel featuring Wyatt Robinson, Gregory Meredith, William Dembski, and John DeVadoss, which explores the utility of blockchain technology in diverse applications — from cryptocurrency to legal contracts, non-fungible tokens, and communications.
China Decoupling
Andre Fuetsch, former CTO of AT&T, interviews Keith Krach, former U.S. Undersecretary of State and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, about U.S./China relations, Chinese technology, and Krach’s “trust principle,” which emphasizes democratic values such as respect for the rule of law, property, press, human rights, and national sovereignty; protection of labor and the environment, and standards for transparency, integrity, and reciprocity, Read More ›
On the Shoulders of Giants: Celebrating the Internet Pioneers
Journalist Maria Teresa Cometto interviews semiconductor pioneer, Frederico Faggin, about his background and how he came to design the first commercial microprocessor at Intel.
Electric Cars: Salvation or Fantasy?
Many are extolling the benefits of electric cars, especially to reduce emissions. Some jurisdictions are even banning the sale of gas-burning cars in the near future. The panel discusses the future of electric vehicles, their benefits as well as the challenges of their widespread adoption (including manufacturing issues and power supply limitations), and some of the practical issues associated with Read More ›
Countering Doom with Superabundance
Marian Tupy, co-author of Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet, describes how human creativity and innovation have led to an era of “superabundance,” in which individual buying power and material prosperity is growing at a higher rate than the global population.
AI: Friend or Foe?
A distinguished panel of artificial intelligence (AI) experts, include Blake Lemoine and Robert J. Marks, debates the meaning of artificial intelligence, what the future holds for its application (both positive and negative), and how far AI can be taken in terms of mimicking and even exceeding human capabilities.
Microsoft, Plus, OTOY, & Rec Room: Digital and Physical Spaces for Work and Play
A panel featuring top execs at Microsoft, Plus, OTOY, and Rec Room discuss the future of work and play in both physical and digital spaces. Where will they occur and what will they look like? And what are the implications for productivity, privacy, security, and human fulfillment?