We All Have A Stake’ In 2010 Games
The Cascadia Center at Discovery Institute is a member of the Governor’s 2010 Olympics Committee formed to explore economic development, transportation and tourism opportunities for Washington State surrounding the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver and Whistler, B.C.________________________________________________________________It took a group effort for Vancouver to earn the right to host the 2010 Winter Olympics. And the man who’s running the Read More ›
2010 Fast Tracks Railway Dreams: BC and US Businesses Looking to Olympics to Provide Catalyst for Rail Investment
The 2010 Winter Olympics is stoking enthusiasm for new rail services on bothsides of the Canada-U.S. border. Leading the charge is Whistler Railtours Ltd. of Vancouver, which says it is close to a deal with Via Rail Canada Inc. that could see $20 million poured into launching tourist-oriented rail service between Vancouver and Whistler in time for the 2005 cruise Read More ›
Cascadia: borderless solutions
Most of us grew up listening to the songs of government in four-four time. The metronome ticked off a familiar beat: city, county, state fed. But the world has never been that plain. There are all sorts of borders, lines of government jurisdiction written with distinct rhythms. Thesounds also can come from international agreements and treaties, from tribes, and from Read More ›
North-South Corridors Studied
(excerpt) If you haven’t heard about the Cascadia Inland Corridors initiative, you might want to ask your DOT regional administrator about it, since it has the promise of being something big for Washington state traffic movement in the future. The project, being coordinated by the Discovery Institute in Seattle, has the goals of improving freight mobility, promoting passenger rail service, Read More ›
If Cascadia Can, Why Not San Juana?
(excerpt) Can a citistate region take its border-crossing destiny into its own hands? A smart bunch of regional visionaries operating out of the Discovery Institute in Seattle believes so. They’ve been focusing on the nearby U.S.-Canada border, which, like the San Diego-Tijuana crossing — must also cope with horrendous traffic delays. They argue that the corridor that joins “Cascadia,” the Read More ›
Geography, economy bring Northwest cities ever-closer
American’s call it the Pacific Northwest. Canadians see it as their southwest. But to many residents, the coastal corridor from Oregon to British Columbia is not just two countries side by side on a map. The region has become a quasi-country all its own, with cities like Seattle sharing more in common with Vancouver, B.C., than Washington, D.C. Some even Read More ›
Officials seek to improve trade corridors
With increased numbers of tourists and commercial goods crossing the Canadian border, the time’s right to begin improvements on U.S. Highway 95, say leaders across the Pacific Northwest. Legislators and business leaders from the Pacific Northwest Economic Region are holding a conference at Best Western Cavanaugh’s Templin’s Resort. Though the meetings will cover a wide array of topics, an initiative Read More ›