The Panda’s Thumb: An Extraordinary Instance of Design?
The Scientific Problems with Kojonen’s Theistic Evolution Model
Design-Assisted Evolution: A Response to Rope Kojonen
Behe and Ramage Debate, Pt. 2: Evolution, ID, and Aquinas
William Dembski: Why Intelligent Design Matters
Defining Theistic Evolution
The Hobbit Party
Anyone who has read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings can gather that their author hated tyranny, but few know that the novelist who once described himself as a hobbit “in all but size” was—even by hobbit standards—a zealous proponent of economic freedom and small government. There is a growing concern among many that the West is sliding into political, economic, and Read More ›
Is Intelligent Design Bad Theology?
Dr. Jack Collins, Sr. Fellow at the Discovery Institute, answers the center question by going through definitions, history, and various aspirations of past and present theologians and religious groups. Listen to how he surprisingly answers the question.