

(Not) Making the Grade: An Evaluation of 22 Recent Biology Textbooks and Their Use of Selected Icons of Evolution

Summary In his 2000 book Icons of Evolution, Jonathan Wells reviewed ten then-current biology textbooks for their treatment of what Dr. Wells calls the “icons” of evolution, well-known lines of evidence commonly used to support evolution. (Wells’s 2000 textbook review can be found online, here.) Now, in 2011, we present an updated 2011 textbook review that applies Wells’s evaluation criteria Read More ›

Statement regarding the Texas State Board of Education hearings on biology textbooks by Dr. Jonathan Wells

Hello, my name is Jonathan Wells. I have a Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from the University of California at Berkeley, where I also did post-doctoral research. I have published articles in several peer-reviewed scientific journals, I have taught embryology at a campus of the California State University, and I am a member of several scientific societies. Currently, I Read More ›

Open textbook and notepad on the table. The concept of intelligence comes from education and can learn a variety of ways.
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Institute Supports Accurate Science

When students study Darwin’s theory of evolution, should they learn only about its strengths, or should they also hear about its weaknesses? And should they learn about the best current evidence for evolution, or should they study outdated examples that have been discredited by the scientific community? Those are the real issues Discovery Institute has raised with the Texas State Read More ›

Let’s change science standards and let students do real science

Should Pennsylvania’s science standards be changed? Draft language for the standards is expected to go before the state legislature early in 2001. According to standards adopted in 1998, students are expected to “know” that “organisms arose from materials and life forms of the past” because of “evidence of evolution in the form of fossils . . . embryological studies and Read More ›

Crumbling Icons

http://www.boundless.org/2000/departments/pages/a0000367.html About 10 years ago, I came across a delightful article in the Italian journal, Rivista di Biologia. Titled “Be Cautious, Mr. Bates,” the article challenged the Darwinian explanation of how the Viceroy butterfly came to look so much like the Monarch. The most interesting part of the article was the way the authors chided biology professors for presenting speculative Read More ›

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Young male teacher paleontologist in the classroom

Natural Selection Found in Report on Science Education

Science teaching, and the teaching of evolution in particular, continue to be a flashpoint in American education. Hoping to correct the problem, the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation just released a report (with the American Association for the Advancement of Science), “Good Science, Bad Science: Teaching Evolution in the States.” Written by Lawrence Lerner, the report recommends increased emphasis in America’s Read More ›