
Russia Then & Now: A Tale of Two Visits

Part I: 1985 In 1985 I spent 13 days in Russia — then officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.), but which I will call Russia for reader convenience. I traveled with 100 others, under the august auspices of the Smithsonian Institution. After 32 years and countless tectonic intervening events, I recently returned to what — no surprise — Read More ›

Time to Wean Millennials Off the Lies of Socialism

Over the last century, national socialism murdered tens of millions; international socialism murdered or starved at least a hundred million; and a softer socialism impoverished nations stretching from Europe to Latin America (see Venezuela). But apparently that’s all old and stupid history stuff. According to a new Harvard IOP poll, around 1 in 6 young voters identify as socialist, and Read More ›

Special Report: 10 Western Media Stereotypes About Russia

Uninformed Stereotypes Are Blinding Americans to Russian Business Opportunities, Says Discovery Institute Seattle – “Are Americans being misled about Russia? Yes,” says Yuri Mamchur, Senior Foreign Policy Fellow at Discovery Institute, “All too often American media reporting on Russia is misguided by common stereotypes. The result is inadequate understanding of the true economic, social and political situation in Russia.” The Read More ›

Moscow Kremlin
Moscow Kremlin

New Blog Fills Void in U.S. Media Coverage of Russian Affairs

SEATTLE, JULY 12 – “The mainstream media in the U.S. and Russia do a poor job of reporting on issues that impact U.S. / Russian relations – attributable in part to the limited amount of space in most major newspapers,” said Yuri Mamchur, a Foreign Policy Fellow at Discovery Institute and a Russian national. “So we’ve launched Russiablog to report Read More ›

Coming Battle to Restore Iraq’s Economy

As the military battle for Iraq comes to an end, a new battle is beginning – how to rebuild Iraq. On one side are those who believe that, by establishing the proper institutions and rules, the Iraqis will be able to rather quickly rebuild their own economy without placing a burden on U.S. taxpayers. The other side, primarily led by Read More ›

Bush and Blair Will Be Redeemed

Critics of George Bush’s Iraq policy have bemused themselves with anti-war demonstrations and public opinion overseas, plus the pronouncements of France, Germany and Russia. They conclude that America has suffered diplomatic rejection by “the whole world.” The war is about to recruit new waves of terrorists, they say, and at last precipitate the downfall of the American “empire.” But while Read More ›