
Liquid Nitrogen bank containing suspension of stem cells. Cell culture for the biomedical diagnostic

Stop Human ‘Fetal Farming’ Before it Starts

The news rocked the scientific world. Mouse embryos were successfully developed half-way through the normal gestation period using artificial wombs. Scientists were ecstatic. The New York Times reported: “The mouse embryos looked perfectly normal. All their organs were developing as expected, along with their limbs and circulatory and nervous systems. Their tiny hearts were beating at a normal 170 beats per minute.” Read More ›
get out green sign
A Arrow light box sign of EMERGENCY FIRE EXIT is hung on the ceiling in hospital walkway, Idea for event fire or evacuation drills.

Pro-Lifers: Get Out of Medicine!

Doctors in the United States cannot be forced to perform abortions or assist suicides. But that may soon change. Bioethicists and other medical elites have launched a frontal assault against doctors seeking to practice their professions under the values established by the Hippocratic Oath. The campaign’s goal? To force doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others in the health field who hold Read More ›

A Pro-Life Case for the Daschle Bill

For Americans who want to limit abortion on demand, a window of opportunity now stands open in Congress. Whether pro-life legislators seize this opportunity will depend on whether they prefer symbolic victory or substantive reform. Two years ago Congress’s newly elected pro-life majority proposed the smallest of incremental restrictions on abortion, triggering a remarkable series of events. Scarcely a year Read More ›