With Dobbs on Horizon, States Continue to Ramp up Pro-Life Legislation in 2022

Pro-Life Push to Overturn Roe v. Wade in the Grand Tradition of American Democracy

Emily Cook on Texas Right to Life, the Texas Heartbeat Act, and Futile Care Protocols

NIH Director Francis Collins Isn’t A National Treasure, He’s A National Disgrace

Stop Human ‘Fetal Farming’ Before it Starts

Pro-Lifers: Get Out of Medicine!
Doctors in the United States cannot be forced to perform abortions or assist suicides. But that may soon change. Bioethicists and other medical elites have launched a frontal assault against doctors seeking to practice their professions under the values established by the Hippocratic Oath. The campaign’s goal? To force doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and others in the health field who hold Read More ›
Sarah and Todd Palin and the Quiet Success of the Pro-Life Movement
This article, published by National Post, mentions Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith: Pro-lifers have discovered shared values with critics of biotechnological research and commercial reproductive technology, such as the former Ralph Nader lawyer, Wesley Smith.
A Pro-Life Case for the Daschle Bill
For Americans who want to limit abortion on demand, a window of opportunity now stands open in Congress. Whether pro-life legislators seize this opportunity will depend on whether they prefer symbolic victory or substantive reform. Two years ago Congress’s newly elected pro-life majority proposed the smallest of incremental restrictions on abortion, triggering a remarkable series of events. Scarcely a year Read More ›