net neutrality

Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash

Title II is the wrong fit for broadband

My Discovery Institute colleague George Gilder and I issued the following statement in support of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s vision for smart Internet regulation: Chairman Ajit Pai of the Federal Communications Commission is proposing to return the classification of broadband service from a Title II telecommunications service to a Title I information service, noting that capital expenditures by the the Read More ›

Internet Investment and Innovation Threatened By Appellate Courts’ Net Neutrality Ruling

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JUNE 15, 2016 Contact Information for Media Only Discovery Institute 206-202-0401 x107 Internet Investment and Innovation Threatened By Appellate Courts’ Net Neutrality Ruling WASHINGTON, DC – “Allowing the FCC to rule the Internet like a public utility under Title II of the 1934 Communications Act will do nothing but produce a broadband shortage,” said George Gilder, bestselling technology author and Discovery Institute senior fellow. “This just creates new incentives for broadband providers to divert investment into advertising and content platforms or other countries,” Gilder added. By a 2-1 vote the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has upheld the net neutrality rules adopted by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015. Discovery Institute senior fellow Read More ›

George Gilder: Obama’s FCC Puts Internet, American Innovation at Risk

George Gilder explains his opposition to the FCC ruling on net neutrality, arguing that taxing and regulating the internet like it was 1934 will surely stifle investment and innovation, and will turn bandwidth abundance into scarcity. Writes Gilder: “The Internet is a multifarious engine of real innovations, launching new and transitory monopolies with every new phase of its tumultuous growth. An unnecessary effort to suppress every monopoly would bring all this innovation to a halt.” Continue reading . . .

Why Net Neutrality Regulation is a Bad Idea

Writing at The Stream, Hance Haney, Director and Senior Fellow of the Technology & Democracy Project, gives his analysis of this week’s FCC ruling on net neutrality. Read his explanation of why FCC net neutrality regulation is a bad idea.

More bandwidth solves concerns

Net neutrality is simply a policy that forbids privately owned broadband networks from discriminating in how they provide transmission for producers of any legal content. We’ve had a successful de facto net neutrality policy in place for the better part of 20 years. So what’s all the fuss? Some believe the policy should be expanded, with the Federal Communications Commission Read More ›


Broadband Brawl

The 10th Annual Gilder | Forbes Telecosm Conference, held October 4-6, 2006 in Lake Tahoe, California, featured an outstanding panel and debate sponsored by the Discovery Institute on the subject of Network Neutrality regulation. Broadband Brawl: A Debate Over Net Neutrality Tod Cohen: Vice-President and Deputy General Counsel, Government Relations, eBay George Gilder, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute; Editor in Chief, Read More ›