Michael Medved

multiverse and alternative universes concept
multiverse and laternative universes concept
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Stephen Meyer Visits the Multiverse of Madness

On today’s ID the Future out of the vault, radio host Michael Medved sits down with bestselling science author Stephen Meyer to discuss the Marvel movie Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Medved isn’t wild about the film, but he uses it as a springboard to dive into what he calls “the madness of the multiverse”—namely, the proposals in physics and cosmology for the idea that our universe is just one of many universes. Meyer explains some of the early motivations among twentieth-century physicists and cosmologists for proposing such an exotic theory. Then he turns to what he says is the main driver for interest in the multiverse in our day—a desire to explain away something that is deeply puzzling on the grounds of atheism: that the laws and constants of physics and chemistry are exquisitely fine tuned for life. Read More ›

Medved, Berlinski Take on Steven Pinker and Whig History

On this ID the Future, Human Nature author and polymath David Berlinski and radio host Michael Medved discuss everything from human depravity, the burning of Notre Dame, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the Big Bang and a quixotic century-old pact to ban war. Read More ›

The Conception of Braveheart

Michael Medved and long-time friend Randall Wallace discuss the fortunes of the once robust business of movie entertainment and the current exodus of writers and directors toward television. The ensuing conversation revisits the birth of the idea of Braveheart in Edinburgh Castle, the initial meeting with Mel Gibson, and the importance of having the conviction to be faithful to one’s Read More ›

Michael Medved Microphone

The Origin of Animal Life

No question is greater or more ultimate than that of our origins as living creatures. Darwinian theory tells the story of our origins one way. Biblical creationists tell another. Does that exhaust the possibilities? Stephen Meyer, doesn’t think so. Trained in the philosophy of science at Cambridge University, Dr. Stephen Meyer directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture. Meyer’s first Read More ›


Great Minds Launches — Michael Medved and Screenwriter Randall Wallace on Hollywood Bias

And now for something completely different. Great Minds with Michael Medved, produced by Discovery Institute, launches today, and the first episode pays off on our promise that these podcasts will be something new, important, and exciting. Our host, a Discovery Institute Senior Fellow, is best known for his daily syndicated radio program with 4+ million listeners. Here, Michael spends twenty minutes Read More ›

Stephen Meyer Debates Michael Dowd on The Michael Medved Show

Stephen Meyer Debates Michael Dowd on The Michael Medved Show

Dr. Stephen Meyer debates theistic evolutionist Michael Dowd on this broadcast of the Michael Medved Show from April 14th. Dowd, an evangelist for evolutionary theory, is author of the 2008 book Thank God for Evolution. Listen in as Meyer reminds Dowd and listeners why the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory fails to satisfy today’s evidence. Stephen Meyer is the author Read More ›

Stephen Meyer on the Dennis Miller program

Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discussing teaching intelligent design and academic freedom

Dr. Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved show discusses two recent incidents involving the idea of academic freedom. The first is a scandal at Ball State University, in which physics professor Eric Hedin was, against university policy, censored for his interdisciplinary course Boundaries of Science. The second is the cancellation of an elective, not-for-credit Philosophy course offered at Amarillo College titled Read More ›