Los Angeles

Kid with school backpack look on schoolyard towards an open entrance or exit door. Schools and preschools remain locked for children during lockdown, coronavirus pandemic and second wave of covid-19.

Despite the Known Harm, Schools Shutdown Yet Again

At least 5,506 schools opted not to provide in-person learning when schools resumed the week of January 3. With closures primarily occurring in large urban districts, the number of students and families negatively impacted by this latest disruption to education is enormous. Read More ›

An Addiction Crisis Disguised as a Housing Crisis

By latest count, some 109,089 men and women are sleeping on the streets of major cities in California, Oregon, and Washington. The homelessness crisis in these cities has generated headlines and speculation about “root causes.” Progressive political activists allege that tech companies have inflated housing costs and forced middle-class people onto the streets. Declaring that “no two people living on Skid Row . . . ended up there for the same reasons,” Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, for his part, blames a housing shortage, stagnant wages, cuts to mental health services, domestic and sexual abuse, shortcomings in criminal justice, and a lack of resources for veterans. These factors may all have played a role, but the most pervasive cause of West Coast homelessness is clear: heroin, fentanyl, and synthetic opioids. Read More ›

Trial to Begin in Intelligent Design Discrimination Lawsuit against NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab

March 5, Los Angeles –Trial begins this week in a lawsuit over whether NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) unlawfully discriminated against an employee for discussing the scientific theory of intelligent design (ID) at work. The jury trial is set to begin Wednesday, March 7. David Coppedge, a 14-year JPL veteran and team lead computer administrator on the Cassini Mission to Read More ›

Puget Sound Ports Facing Challenges

This article, published by The Seattle Times, quotes Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: Those modest aspirations drive people like Bruce Agnew batty. Agnew, director of the Discovery Institute’s Cascadia Center for Regional Development, said the Seattle port risks sliding into irrelevance without concerted effort to keep it competitive. The rest of the article can be found here.