San Diego Declares Housing A ‘Human Right’ Without A Plan To End Homelessness
UN Secretary General Betrays Human Rights by Attending Beijing Olympics
The Fourth Reich
Why Religious and Economic Freedom Stand and Fall Together
Donald Trump has been courting evangelicals and other social conservatives of late, from his high-profile meeting with evangelical leaders in New York City to his selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence for his running mate. The question on many minds is whether Trump is in the middle of a slow-moving come-to-conservatism moment, or just shrewdly courting a key Republican constituency Read More ›
Remembering Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most consequential figures in American politics and international relations over the past century. Here, Discovery Institute Chairman Bruce Chapman interviews Mrs. Roosevelt’s former assistant, Patricia Baillargeon. Ms. Baillargeon gives a first-hand account of someone who sees Eleanor Roosevelt from the standpoint of history, but also from that of personal friendship.
The War On Humans
The environmental movement has helped produce significant improvements in the world around us — from cleaner air to the preservation of natural wonders such as Yellowstone. But in recent years, environmental activists have arisen who regard humans as Public Enemy #1. In this provocative book, Wesley J. Smith exposes efforts by radical activists to reduce the human population by up Read More ›
The Paper of the Apes
That the New York Times is a subversive cultural force can readily be seen in its unremitting assault on human exceptionalism, the philosophical backbone of Western civilization. In the old view, every human being has intrinsic dignity and equal moral worth. The United Nations’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) states that “recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and Read More ›
The V-Word Is as Bad as the N-Word
What It Means to Be Human
Discovery senior fellow Wesley J. Smith has returned to podcasting with What It Means to Be Human, a podcast about the many policies and proposals in bioethics, bioscience, and animal liberation that threaten the idea of human exceptionalism and undermine universal human rights: On this episode of What It Means to Be Human, Wesley J. Smith, senior fellow in Human Read More ›