
American Captial Building.
American Captial Building.

Faith & Law: Compassion First, A Sensible Approach to America’s Homeless Crisis

Washington, D.C – Discovery President Steve Buri, Senior Fellow Robert Marbut, and Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith spoke at a Faith and Law forum on Capitol Hill. Below is a summary from Watch the forum and read more here. For nearly a decade, federal policies meant to address homelessness have centered around “Housing First,” which begins with an assumption that Read More ›

Hands of Homelessness Poor man holding the paper house hope to have family home and warm home
Hands of Homelessness Poor man holding the paper house hope to have family home and warm home

Discovery Institute Releases National Report on Homelessness

The problems linked to homelessness, including substance abuse, mental illness, and crime, are increasing in America despite untold sums of government money spent to address this complex problem. Read More ›
woman worker wearing mask

China, the Virus, and the Imperative to Build for Tomorrow

Marc Andreessen's "It's Time To Build" is a hopeful cri de coeur in this time of pandemic. Americans, and American elite leadership specifically, need what strikes me as essentially a spiritual awakening, and Andreessen speaks to that in his own way by pointing out that an ugly aspect of American life that this virus has revealed is a sort of cultural impotence. Read More ›

Beyond Proposition 1: A New Consensus Is Emerging

This article, published by Crosscut, mentions Discovery Institute Fellow Bruce Agnew: They have been joined, initially, by a core group including of former U.S. Sen. Slade Gorton, Bruce Agnew of the Discovery Institute’s Cascadia transportation center, … , and Steve Mullin, president of the Washington Roundtable and co-chair of the pro-Prop 1 campaign. The rest of the article can be Read More ›

State Transport System Needs Accountability, Investment

If “transportation futures” for Central Puget Sound were sold like stock, the market for recent years could be called a rollercoaster. And with a $16 billion regional transportation tax vote for roads and transit facing us in November, we’re about to plunge down its scariest dip. The upside of the market featured state leadership in raising taxes to begin addressing Read More ›