god of the gaps fallacy

Stephen Meyer Debunks the “God of the Gaps” Objection

Stephen Meyer Debunks the “God of the Gaps” Objection

A vacuous yet often heard objection to intelligent design decries ID as a “God of the gaps” argument. Here, Stephen Meyer requires less than three minutes to show that the complaint rests on a failure to understand a basic feature of the theory of ID. For more on this see the “God of the gaps” archive at Evolution News. Related Read More ›

Photo by Flavio Gasperini

Darwin of the Gaps

On June 26, 2000, President Bill Clinton announced the completion of the Human Genome Project, which had just deciphered the sequence of DNA in a human cell. “Today,” he said, “we are learning the language in which God created life.” At the president’s side was Francis Collins, director of the project, who had helped to write Clinton’s speech. “It is Read More ›

Principled (not Rhetorical) Reasons Why Intelligent Design Doesn’t Identify the Designer

[Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on Evolution News & Views as a 2 part series. The original posts can be seen here: Part 1 and Part 2.] Mike Gene recently posted on Telic Thoughts responding to professor James F. McGrath, who accuses intelligent design (ID) proponents of being dishonest when they claim that ID does not identify the Read More ›

Amazing bird Kingfisher.jpg
Amazing bird Kingfisher. Diving bird. Colorful nature background. Bird: Common Kingfisher. Alcedo atthis

Teleological Evolution

It is difficult to see what empirical content Lamoureux's teleological evolution has or how it differs in substance from standard Neo-Darwinism with its denial of any evidence of actual, as opposed to merely apparent, design. Read More ›
Message in a bottle
Message in a bottle on the beach
Designed by Freepik, not featured in original article.

DNA: The Message in the Message

We are so conditioned to expect scientific breakthroughs that exceed our expectations, Barr observed, that we reflexively reject any idea that science has limits. Yet science reveals not only the rich possibilities of nature but also its limitations. To give obvious examples, we know that we will never fulfill the alchemists’ dream of chemically transmuting lead into gold. We know that a parent of one species will never give birth to offspring of another species. Science reveals consistent patterns that allow us to make negative statements about what natural forces cannot do. To persist in seeking natural laws in such cases, Barr suggested, is as irrational as any primitive myth of the thunder gods. Read More ›
Crossway Reader's Bible and commentaries on shelves at the seminary library of Mt. Angel Abbey in Mt. Angel, OR.https://www.crossway.org/bibles/esv-readers-bible-six-volume-set-cob/
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What Every Theologian Should Know about Creation, Evolution, and Design

Introduction From its inception Darwinism posed a challenge to Christian theology. Darwinism threatened to undo the Church’s understanding of creation, and therewith her understanding of the origin of human life. Nor did the challenge of Darwinism stop here. With human beings the result of a brutal, competitive process that systematically rooted out the weak and favored only the strong (we Read More ›