Evolution and the Disturbing Consequences of Denying Free Will

Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor: Humans Have Free Will

Eric Metaxas and Richard Weikart Spotlight Darwinian Racism

Don’t Blame Me; I’m a Meat Robot.

Science Uprising 02: Mind
Are we simply robots made out of meat? Or is there an inescapable “I” who makes real choices that can change our lives? This episode of Science Uprising (Mind: The Inescapable I) challenges claims by materialists like Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett that humans are simply robots without free will. Be sure to visit scienceuprising.com to find more Read More ›

Creative Freedom, Not Robots, Is The Future Of Work
Can training for an AI future be trusted to bureaucrats? We hear so much about how the artificial intelligence revolution and machine learning robots will gobble industrial era jobs that we don’t notice the digital era jobs unfilled. The Officially Smart people are telling us two scenarios, good and bad, about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), says Jay Richards, Read More ›