fossil fuels

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Beware the “Right to Health”

Health and wellness are becoming the primary justifications for international technocracy, or "rule by experts." Indeed, we are told that preventing the next pandemic will require that the World Health Organization be given the power to declare pandemics and impose emergency policies internationally. Read More ›
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CO2 Is Historically Low — Too Low

What if, rather than being at unprecedented high levels, CO2 is at one of its lowest concentrations in the long history of the Earth and that the modest warming anticipated from increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases will be benign? Read More ›

AOC and a Day Without Fossil Fuels

Green New Deal Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for an end to fossil fuels by 2035. Her desire to protect the earth for future generations is understandable, even laudable. But what she doesn’t seem to appreciate is that humans are here on earth with lives to live, and in using the resources the earth provides there will always be some level of impact on the planet. Read More ›
Electric car charging

Electric Vehicles: Not a Panacea for the Gas Crunch

Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and current Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg recently argued that electric vehicles were an affordable solution to the now record gas prices. But he didn’t specifically say how. It turns out that if one considers the real costs and practicalities of owning and operating an electric vehicle, his statement is false. Read More ›
Operating oil and gas well profiled on sunset sky

The IEA’s Plan to Destroy Freedom and Save the Planet

If you liked gas lines after the Colonial Pipeline was shut down by a hacking—or if the rolling blackouts last summer in California were your idea of fun—you will love what the international global warming warriors at the International Energy Agency have planned for us. Read More ›

We Have The Tools To Cut Oil Dependence, It’s Assembly That’s Required

A remarkable group of transportation experts, environmentalists, utility executives, national security experts, political leaders, public officials and interested citizens gathered at Microsoft’s campus this month to attend a two-day conference on why and how to move beyond oil in transportation. There was a strong bipartisan consensus that we must act decisively to reduce oil dependence for the sake of the Read More ›

Bio-fuel Musses Up Electric Car Fest

This article, published by The Seattle Times, mentions the Cascadia Center of Discovery Institute: At a Cascadia Center conference last week on the future of transportation titled “Beyond Oil,” the star was the electric car. The rest of the article can be found here.