
American Captial Building.

Faith & Law: Compassion First, A Sensible Approach to America’s Homeless Crisis

Washington, D.C – Discovery President Steve Buri, Senior Fellow Robert Marbut, and Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith spoke at a Faith and Law forum on Capitol Hill. Below is a summary from Watch the forum and read more here. For nearly a decade, federal policies meant to address homelessness have centered around “Housing First,” which begins with an assumption that Read More ›


Marvin Olasky’s ‘Lament’ for Earthly Father Leads to Heavenly One

Why do sons write books about their fathers? Perhaps it’s because they feel a need to figure out the guy who sired their existence. If they’re like Marvin Olasky, the eminent public intellectual who edits World magazine, the act of writing promises to make someone distant and mysterious “come alive.” Read More ›

The Day that Transformed the World Forever

Of all holidays, Easter is the one that celebrates a single event that transformed the world forever. There are many religions with different founders, prophets, and teachers going back thousands of years, but only one of them has a founder who professed to be the messiah – the son of God who could save mankind. Jesus was born in a Jewish Read More ›

Why Religious and Economic Freedom Stand and Fall Together

Donald Trump has been courting evangelicals and other social conservatives of late, from his high-profile meeting with evangelical leaders in New York City to his selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence for his running mate. The question on many minds is whether Trump is in the middle of a slow-moving come-to-conservatism moment, or just shrewdly courting a key Republican constituency Read More ›

Do the Laws of Physics Make God Unnecessary?

Seattle – In his best-selling book The Grand Design (2010), renowned physicist Stephen Hawking advanced the startling claim that the laws of physics make God unnecessary for the creation of the universe. Friday, August 19th Oxford University Mathematics Professor John Lennox will respond based on his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? Regarded by some as Read More ›

Did Physics Kill God?

Stephen Hawking declared that our understanding of physics proves God did not create the universe. Is he right? Stephen Hawking holds the chair of mathematics at Cambridge University once held by Sir Isaac Newton. So when he declared that our understanding of physics shows that God did not create the universe, it was bound to get attention. Summarizing the thesis Read More ›

New Website on Faith and Evolution Explores if the Two are Friends or Foes

“Thus, the first goal of FaithandEvolution.Org is to present the scientific information about evolution and intelligent design that is typically left out of the discussion,” says West. “A second goal is to tackle tough questions that are usually ignored about the consequences of Darwin’s theory for ethics, society, and religion.”


Visitors to FaithandEvolution.Org will find information addressing such questions as: Does evolution undermine belief in God? Are there scientific challenges to Darwinian evolution? What is the scientific evidence for intelligent design? And does Darwinism devalue human life?

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One on One: Faith in Hierarchy

This article, published by the Jerusalem Post, includes an interview with Discovery Institute Senior Fellow George Gilder: George Gilder has been famous in the United States for more than three decades. Well, infamous would be a more accurate adjective – considering the political-cultural climate in which he emerged and to which he has devoted his life’s research and writings. The Read More ›

Hand of prayer person worship with light

The Faith of a Futurist

Every year I host a conference on the future of the Internet in a world of bandwidth abundance. On the last day, I hold a debate or panel on the religious significance of the technological disputes. Every year, some attendees object to this insertion of theology into the midst of a meeting otherwise devoted to the higher vocations of microelectronics Read More ›