Nature’s Prophet

Science and the Mind of the Maker
Are We an Accident…or Not? The question of cosmic origins and our place in the grand scheme of things has been debated for millennia. Why do we exist? Why does anything exist at all? Today’s popular narrative, based on advancements in science, is that it all happened by natural, random processes. Melissa Cain Travis points to powerful evidence that the Read More ›

Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics
Science has made great strides in modeling space, time, mass and energy. Yet little attention has been paid to the precise representation of the information ubiquitous in nature. Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics fuses results from complexity modeling and information theory that allow both meaning and design difficulty in nature to be measured in bits. Built on the foundation of a series of Read More ›

Privileged Species
Are humans the accidental products of a blind and uncaring universe? Or are they the beneficiaries of a cosmic order that was planned beforehand to help them flourish? Privileged Species is a 33-minute documentary by Discovery Institute that explores growing evidence from physics, chemistry, biology, and related fields that our universe was designed for large multi-cellular beings like ourselves. Featuring geneticist and Read More ›

Privileged Species Trailer
In his books Evolution: A Theory in Crisis and Nature’s Destiny, biochemist Michael Denton has argued with a remarkable power and clarity that in fact life gives direct evidence of purpose. In Privileged Species he takes his case further, showing how the Earth is designed not just for life, but specifically for the human form.century science.” Michael Denton holds an Read More ›
Darwinian Evolution, God, and Morality
God and Evolution contributor John West discusses the implications of Darwin’s theory for belief in God and for the understanding of ethics.
Do the Laws of Physics Make God Unnecessary?
Seattle – In his best-selling book The Grand Design (2010), renowned physicist Stephen Hawking advanced the startling claim that the laws of physics make God unnecessary for the creation of the universe. Friday, August 19th Oxford University Mathematics Professor John Lennox will respond based on his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway? Regarded by some as Read More ›

Metamorphosis follows on the heels of past Illustra offerings, including Privileged Planet, Unlocking the Mystery of Life, and Darwin’s Dilemma. It’s probably true that with these films taken altogether, Illustra producer and documentarian Lad Allen has made the most easily accessible, visually stunning case for intelligent design available. If you have one shot at opening the mind of an uninformed Read More ›

The Privileged Planet
Today, most scientists and philosophers claim that Earth is an ordinary speck of dust adrift, without purpose or significance, in a vast cosmic sea. This idea (popularized by the late astronomer, Carl Sagan) is an outgrowth of the naturalistic philosophy that has dominated science for the past 150 years. Yet, remarkable evidence–unveiled by contemporary astronomy and physics-may now tell a Read More ›