Democrat Party

State Education Building
State Education Building

Education: A Republican Opportunity

In the 1960s and 1970s, two major pieces of federal law began the dismantling of American education. The first was allowing government employees to join unions, and the second was the creation of the federal Department of Education. Republicans should reverse these laws, which have proven detrimental to the efficient and effective functioning of both our K-12 and university systems.  Read More ›
Burning sheet of paper in the male hand.
Burning sheet of paper in the male hand.

Democrats Are Gaslighting American Parents About School Vouchers

Defunding public schools — even “stealing money” from them — is how the far-left and teachers’ unions term any attempt to offer parents more choice around education. For them, it’s about money and power, not children and high-quality learning. Read More ›
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People raised hand air fighting for protest
Photo by PPstock on Adobe Stock

The Quiet Revolution

Frustration with division and gridlock in Washington leads many Americans to impugn both political parties for the current broken and ineffective state of government. There is plenty of blame to go around, but below the surface there has been a quiet revolution going on in only one of the two parties — the Democratic Party — which is the main Read More ›


A Democrat Looks at his Party … Part 2 – Q&A

One of the Northwest's most intriguing sages on national politics is Ted Van Dyk, longtime Democratic strategist and writer who over his career has been an aide to such prominent figures as Vice President Hubert Humphrey, Senator George McGovern and philanthropist/financier Michael Milken. Read More ›