
Portrait handsome bearded man wearing glasses black shirt.Man sitting in vintage chair university library, reading book and relaxing. Blurred background.Horizontal, film effect.
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Essential Readings

10 Essential Books (Science) 5 Essential Books (Science and Culture) 10 Essential Articles “A Scientific History and Philosophical Defense of Intelligent Design”Stephen C. Meyer “Are We Alone?”Jay W. Richards & Guillermo GonzalezThe American Spectator “Science & Design”William DembskiFirst Things “DNA and Other Designs”Stephen C. MeyerFirst Things “Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference”Michael J. BeheCosmic Pursuit “Intelligent Design is Read More ›

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Rocks underwater on riverbed with clear freshwater. River habitat. Underwater landscape. Mountain river. Litle stream with gravel. Underwater scenery, algae, mountain river cleanliness.
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Darwinism and Materialism

Recently the Discovery Institute’s Stephen Meyer published Darwin’s Doubt, a book that raises many questions about the theory of evolution. As his title tells us, Darwin himself shared one of these doubts. Read More ›
The Magician's Twin
Screen capture of books, candles, and skull from The Magician's Twin

The Magician’s Twin

More than a half century ago, famed writer C.S. Lewis warned about how science (a good thing) could be twisted in order to attack religion, undermine ethics, and limit human freedom. In this documentary "The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism," leading scholars explore Lewis's prophetic warnings about the abuse of science and how Lewis's concerns are increasingly relevant for us today. Read More ›

Some Scientific Views Are More Equal Than Others in America

Opinion across a startlingly broad political range has been solidifying lately in favor of discrimination — not discrimination on racial or sexual grounds, but against some controversial ideas and those who hold them. The ideas have to do with evolution. Is this a welcome development? A spate of lawsuits and complaints poses the question of whether, in scientific fields, a Read More ›

‘Science Says’ Is Now Just Another Special Interest Claim

President Obama echoed an often-heard lament when he complained recently that, among Americans, “facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day.” According to distressed cultural observers, public ignorance about science is evidenced by failure to accept global warming, “animal rights,” euthanasia and Darwinian evolution. The assumption is that doubting scientists’ claims means you have divorced Read More ›

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Silhouettes and shadows of people on the street. Crowd walking down on sidewalk, concept of strangers, crime, society, epidemic, population

The Dark Side of Darwinism

Between 1934 and 1939, in the interests of evolutionary hygiene, the eugenic program in Nazi Germany forcibly sterilized about 400,000 people. The victims were men and women suffering from hereditary and mental illnesses along with the deaf, the blind, alcoholics and others judged unfit to reproduce. At the time, another government was also busy sterilizing citizens it deemed racially unhygienic. Measured for eugenic enthusiasm, this other state entity ran second to Germany worldwide. And what state was that? Read More ›

The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays

In a controversial new book, David Berlinski tears apart the facade of scientific overconfidence. When it comes to some of life’s most profound questions — the origins of life, of matter, of the universe itself — does modern science already have everything all figured out? Many scientists would like us to think they are mere steps away from solving all Read More ›

The Party’s Over

The party’s over, it’s time to call it a day. They’ve burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away. It’s time to wind up the masquerade. Just make your mind up — the piper must be paid. The party’s over, the candles flicker and dim. You danced and dreamed through the night, it seemed to be right just being with Read More ›

Intelligent Design Author Receives World Magazine’s Man of the Year Honor

Seattle — World Magazine has named Stephen C. Meyer “Daniel of the Year,” their version of man of the year, for his groundbreaking work in explaining the evidence for intelligent design in his authoritative new book, Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperOne). Meyer’s book has already made year-end lists with Amazon.com naming it one of Read More ›