

The Miracle of Man

According to Michael Denton, the cosmos is stunningly fit not just for cellular life, not just for carbon-based animal life, and not even just for air-breathing animals, but especially for bipedal, land-roving, technology-pursuing creatures of our general physiological design. Read More ›

The Unofficial Guide to Cosmos

The 2014 reboot of Carl Sagan’s classic 13-part series Cosmos struck a chord with viewers, garnered 12 Emmy Award nominations, and is headed straight into schools as a science teacher’s instructional aid. It’s also an agenda-driven vehicle for scientific materialism, casting religion as arch foe of the search for truth about nature and pressing its message that human beings occupy Read More ›

People attend business conference in the congress hall
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Scientocracy Rules

Set to inspirational choir music and glorious scenes of a rugged green shoreline, Carl Sagan opened his television documentary Cosmos by declaring that “the Cosmos is all that is, or ever was, or ever will be.” The famous astronomer then outlined a plan for humanity’s salvation: For the first time, we have the power to decide the fate of our Read More ›

Beautiful night sky, star in the space. Collage on space, science and education items. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
Sparkle shinny blue star particle motion on black background, starlight nebula in galaxy at universe Space background. This image furnished by NASA

Copernicus Stages A Comeback

More than sixty years after the famous Galileo “The Earth it Moves” trial in Rome, Copernicus is in the news again, this time in the form of a so-called theory of universal gravitation (or UG, as it has come to be known). Headquartered at the Royal Society, a think tank in London funded by well-heeled royalist donors, members of the Read More ›

Business and entrepreneurship symposium. Speaker giving a talk at business meeting. Audience in conference hall. Rear view of unrecognized participant in audience.
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Design & the Discriminating Public

Evolution has enormous purchase on the public imagination, and it’s easy to understand why. Just peek into the average living room where toddlers everywhere are sitting wide-eyed before videos like The Land Before Time series. This series offers nothing less than an excursion into evolution. Colorful one-celled organisms arise in a blue-green primeval ocean, where they “change again and again,” Read More ›