Behe and Ramage: Evolution’s Limits and the Fingerprints of Design
Günter Bechly on Fossils and Common Descent, Pt 2
Günter Bechly on Fossils and Common Descent, Pt 1
Günter Bechly Says Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism
Is Homology Evidence for Evolution?
Is homology due to common descent or common design? Is descent with modification overwhelmingly obvious? The standard definition of homology is the similarity of the structure, physiology, or development of different species of organisms based upon their descent from a common evolutionary ancestor- the structural identity of parts in distinct species such as the human hand, the wing of a Read More ›
Defining Theistic Evolution
Pro-Darwin Consensus Doesn’t Rule Out Intelligent Design
CNN — While we officially celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species” on November 24, celebrations of Darwin’s legacy have actually been building in intensity for several years. Darwin is not just an important 19th century scientific thinker. Increasingly, he is a cultural icon. Darwin is the subject of adulation that teeters on Read More ›
A Primer on the Tree of Life
Evolutionists often claim that universal common ancestry and the “tree of life” are established facts. One recent opinion article argued, “The evidence that all life, plants and animals, humans and fruit flies, evolved from a common ancestor by mutation and natural selection is beyond theory. It is a fact. Anyone who takes the time to read the evidence with an Read More ›
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Upon learning of an employee’s defection to a rival company, one prominent CEO launched a chair across the room. Commenting on the incident in the Washington Post, eminent primatologist Frans de Waal noted that the CEO acted like an ape. But de Waal (and the Post for that matter) wasn’t kidding; he took this incident as further proof of common Read More ›